[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 17

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  • #221375

    Very true, very true! It's just frustrating… people want to move on with their lives… good luck to you too!

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    Very true, very true! It's just frustrating… people want to move on with their lives… good luck to you too!

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    JEFF, does this mean that REG will be next since AUD was 2nd?


    Lee_IN I actually got my paper test scores (back when I did that sick psychology experiment in Nov 2001) within 4 weeks. I find the whole thing pitiful (and unacceptable, but what am I going to do? go to the other AICPA?…lol) that in almost a decade they can't out perform their grading time given that the bulk of it is computer-gradable.


    I took REG yesterday. I think I got one “hard” testlet -the 2nd testlet, but the first and the last felt more like easy-medium testlets. Dr. Yaeger (the review course I used) says you have to have one hard testlet to pass, I hope what I did was enough! I had thought I was studying corporations (S, C & Partnerships) and doing well, but when it came to test day I feel like I got tripped up. I was surprised at the distribution of questions, some of which I had never even seen the topics for (not to scare anyone). I got one simulation I would call hard, and one that was more manageable. The one thing I did manage to do was beat the clock, I left myself 45 minutes per SIM and found that was exactly enough. Finished with 30 seconds left. Good luck to everyone else. I know join you all in the waiting game, wondering if I should start studying for BEC or wait to see if I failed REG so I can re-take that. Good Luck!


    graceml, do they really say you have to have one hard testlet to pass. That would make me really nervous. When I took FAR all three seemed fairly straight forward and not on the difficult side. And my sims were as simple as you could get. I was very nervous I didn't pass because it seemed too easy. But I did with a 77, so just barely, but in hindsight I didn't notice one testlet being any harder than the others.


    The wait now seems awful but it really is much better than it used to be, although having some Wave 1 pushed to Wave 2 is not fair at all, scores in general definitely come faster than they used to with the pencil and paper exam. When I passed ARE and AUD in 11/01, the test was the first week in Nov. and I didn't get my scores until the first week in Feb. And the exam was only offered twice a year!

    Good luck everyone who is waiting for REG! I'm hoping for an AICPA release tomorrow and a NASBA release on Tues….but we'll see!

    11/01 – ARE, 81; AUD, 76 (expired 11/06)

    10/06 – FAR, 76 (expired 4/08)

    8/09 – FAR, 84; 10/09 – AUD, 86; 11/09 – BEC, 79

    2/5/2010 – REG


    I've been getting nothing but 80 and 90 percents on my “homework” questions, I just took my first practice test before my actual test on Thursday and got a 66-ish percent, which is roughly what I got the first time I took the actual test in October. Part of me thinks I'm just memorizing the Becker questions, rather than learning the concepts, but I've done all 1,000 questions, some of them 3 or 4 times. If this doesn't translate into passing this one, I'm going to lose it. I've passed the other three parts and really just want this to be done… someone tell me I'm nuts and that I just need to review the book a couple more times and quit worrying about it… or tell me I'm screwed and should start getting ready to retake in April…


    That is normal gentlmonflesure. On AUD I was scoring 90-95% on all the homework questions. When I got to the practice exams I was around 70-78%. I was really worried by that. I ended up with a 94. The Becker final exams that I've done (AUD and REG) have been harder than what I actually saw on the test.

    Back to grumbling about the lack of REG scores now for me…..*grumble grumble grumble grumble*


    I had the same score for Becker Practice Exam FAR, 66% and passed with 88, so no worries gentlmnoflesure. But I did all the question, so at the end I had 100 % in HW.


    Any hope of a REG score release today?!

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    Is REG on deck, or could it possibly be FAR?


    70/30 REG is next

    Hopefully there will be news today…


    Please let REG be next!

    Patiently waiting for AICPA to get REG rolling…



    I may be ahead of you…but I just took Reg yesterday so I know I'm in wave 2…have you had a chance to look into your crystal ball to see when wave 2 results will be released….Good Luck to all in Wave 1.

    Thanks for the site and all the hard work you do….Long time follower and fisrt time poster.

    BEC 81 expired, 74, Oct 80
    FAR 79
    REG 70, 70, 82
    AUD 74, 65, Nov

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