[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 13

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    Flash cards help, but if I had to choose between those and the Becker Final Review, I would suggest the Final Review. It hits on all the items you know will end up being on the test.

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    well all done. It was one of the harder test I have taken. As I feared and posted prior I was concerned that the test would be equally difficult as my review material. In the past I always found the test to be less difficult than all the material I studied. But I am hoping that means that I did well enough to get the harder testlets as I progressed. The first sim was really hard and alot of information I had never seen, but the second was pretty straight forward and seemed to be okay. I'm pretty sure I nailed both written communications, but only got one of the research questions. I finished with about 50 minutes to spare. So hears to praying for a 75 in March and being DONE!!!!


    I am using Glem 2008, should I continue to study with this book, or should I get the most updated 2010? I saw of FAR that it was suggested to get the most recent, but what about REG?

    Any suggestions? Is anyone else using Gleim?


    @ CPA-Valenz

    I would definitely use newer materials. The CPA exam tests whichever year tax returns are currently being filed (2009). There are some key numbers that have changed so I would suggest getting 2010 materials updated for the 2009 tax year.

    FAR - 78
    AUD - 86
    REG - 77


    Hi, I am planning to give my exam in 2 weeks, I have a question…

    Do they ask about the phase out limits or other limits in exam or do we have to know them to solve questions or simulations?


    I am taking the exam Friday morning. It will be the first CPA section I've ever taken and starting to get nervous. I started studying on January 4th and put in a little over 100 hours of quality studying/classtime since (usually 18-20 hours/week) using Becker. I consitently score in the 90's on the homework's/progress tests. Took my first Becker Final Exam last night, scored 69% collectively on the 3 MC sections and did so-so on the simulations. I really feel like I know most of the material, but Becker through some tricky questions on the final exam. Most of the ones I got wrong, I had narrowed down to the right answer and the one I chose, but some tiny detail through me off. I plan taking Becker's Final Exam 2 tonight, then reviewing my notes, continuing to practice some simulations between now and Friday.

    Any suggestions for my final couple of days leading up to my first exam?


    I would only memorize the 179 deduction and phaseout limits for 2009…they don't test on the rest because they can't keep the test bank updated for quantitative tax changes.

    Puerto Rico Romo

    Jess any ideas when reg will be out? this monday maybe?


    Hey Jeff-

    I am taking REG tomorrow and I was looking at the number of questions on the exam and I noticed that the MC questions are 72 total that are worth 70 points. Is that mean that all the questions count for grading except for 2 questions? as opposed to FAR that they have 90 questions worth 70 points.

    Also if I am in wave 2 when would I be expecting my results?

    Please advice


    By the way- this is a great website, love it

    REG 2/12/2010 75
    AUD 5/28/2010 91
    FAR 59/69 7/1/2010 76
    BEC 59 retake 10/7/ Waiting


    RAO – it's 72 questions worth 70% of your grade. Keep in mind that up to 20% (14 questions) can be “pre-test”…i.e. don't count.

    Also, keep in mind that the better you do, the more each question is worth under “hard” mode.

    Don't over-analyze…just get in there and kill REG. 🙂



    Hey Jeff and forum,

    I am taking REG on Feb. 26th. I used Gleim materials. This was the 2009 version of gleim but tested the 2008 tax laws. The 2010 version of Gleim is out and tests the 2009 tax laws. The customer service rep. at gleim told me that the 2008 tax laws will be used in the Jan/Feb testing section and there after the 2009 tax laws will be used. Can anyone verify if this is correct? With only 2 weeks left, I hope I don't need to learn all the 2009 tax numbers (standard deduction, exemptions…etc). Thanks for your site Jeff!

    Thanks everyone!,



    allendean – I took REG on Feb 2 and I cannot recall a single question that left doubt on which tax year was being tested. Every question that related to any tax law, stated the year in the question or was very clear in the fact pattern. At least this was my experience. Hope this helps. Good Luck on your exam.


    Lee_IN, do you recall having to know actual 2008 vs. 2009 amounts? Thanks.

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    zena – If I understand your question correctly, any question referring to phaseouts, limits, deductions, etc are fair game. What I am saying that it is very clear in the question what year you need to be concerned with for listed items. I thought I read somewhere for the most part you probably are safe this test window for 2008 amounts. However, next window is another story. At some point the AICPA has to switch over but I do not think anyone really knows when that is. Between the first and second window seems the most logical time but who knows. I doubt you will have any issues. Good Luck on the 19th. :–)

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