[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 12

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    Well guys I just stepped out of REG, and I can honestly say it was pretty much what I had anticipated. The multiple choice were manageable…second testlet was pretty rough but still reasonable by CPA exam standards. Then the simulations…WOW. Impossible. After spending an hour staring at the first one, I finally left most of it blank because I was just that clueless. Second one wasn't as bad, but still extremely tricky and definitely not enough time left to look up how to do it using the research tool. Hopefully I did enough on the multiple choice to make it. My advice is practice the M/C as much as possible because if your simulations are anything like mine, you are going to need every one of those M/C points to count!


    I just got home from my REG exam. I think the multiple choice questions went well. I believe that they did get harder in testlet 2 & 3. Simulations were not what I expected but I think they were doable. Less sure of the 2nd simulation than the first. The written communications and research tabs were not that bad. Finished exam with about 5-10 minutes. Tried to use research tab to help on the tabs which I think was a BIG mistake. I was just second guessing everything and should have left it as is. My only concern now in the waiting game is I hope I am in wave 1 since this is my last exam. If I fail, this will give me more time to study for next window.



    PLS HELP!!! Jeff or anybody else , pls do you guys know the best cpa review flashcards???? do i buy becker flashcards or CPA Excel or any others. All advice will be kindly appreciated………………….thanks in advance


    elsie – I am using Becker flashcards which I have found helpful. I keep them in my purse and can pull them out and review them while when I'm waiting at my kids' practices, etc.

    I don't have any experience with any other review course's flashcards.


    Hello Everyone. I am new to this post. I am taking the REG on 1/12/2010 and will appreciate any advice.

    I am doing Becker. I have completed all the HW section and this week and I started to review from chapter one but my scores are kind of low, I dont want to spend so much time rereading textbook, but at the same time I feel like I have forgotten some of the materials that I studied four weeks ago. I am geting frustated!!

    What can you guys suggest me.


    REG 2/12/2010 75
    AUD 5/28/2010 91
    FAR 59/69 7/1/2010 76
    BEC 59 retake 10/7/ Waiting


    RAO – are you using flashcards? I've found that with REG and FAR there is way too much material to remember everything after weeks of studying but flashcards should help you remember the highlights. If you didn't buy Becker's I'd suggest making your own.

    Don't get to discouraged, remember, if you get something wrong during practice you'll likely note the mistake and not make the same one on the exam.

    Good luck


    JEFF PLS I THOUGHT YOU were the expert on this exam that is why i am asking for your help or others on the best flashcards out there………for example is it becker or cpa excel or flashpoint?????????????????????????

    i really them as i cannot make bcos its too cumbersome. pls help to find out this info as it is a big part of this process and yaeger has none attached.

    yr reply will be appreciated…………………………..

    i know u have read this previously but did not follow up with answers. i believe u must have some info as u are the expert!!! pls help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I just got out of REG for the second time (on a side note: definitely feeling better than last time and I only need two more points). I digress, REG flashcards of any sort WILL NOT really be helpful. I personally used CPAexcel and Becker flashcards my first time around. Flashcards will only give you small bits of information on a particular topic, whcih is great for the other exams, but not for REG. REG requires you to know a lot of information on a specific topic. Knowing bits and pieces of the information won't get you anywhere. I highly suggest taking great notes and making tables comparing the various rules related to different entities in any certain subject area. Seeing the side-by-side comparisons will be very valuable. However, if you must use flashcards. Go with CPAexcel. They are less wordy and easier to understand/comprehend.


    thks a bunch jeremy, i was planning on cpa excel versus flashpoint and confused……….icpaexcel is cheaper by far from becker like becker is actually twice the price although both are like 250 count unlike flashpoint which is 100


    elsie – I have used Becker exclusively for my studying. Personally, I have not used the Becker flashcards to any extent, I tried with AUD and it just did not work for me. However, I am sure many individuals will swear by them, I just am not one of them. You really need to be sure that they will be effective for you based on your learning style. If you are buying them because someone else is saying to does not mean they will work for you. I have know individuals who have tried several different ways of study Becker with and without using flashcards. I agree with JeremyinCA that the flashcards are not going to provide enough information to pass the exam they will only give you high level bits and pieces to supplment your studying. I think the most important piece is that you can never do enough multiple choice questions for these exams. Good Luck!!

    Puerto Rico Romo

    I'm so nervous about my score.. if I pass I'm DONE but if I fail I'll lose my BEC credit and have my summer completely ruined


    My book is Gleim 2008….would you suggest I use this book or should I get the new updated 2010?

    Has anyone else used Gleim? Every post I see is either Becker or Yeager. I can't spend thousands on material.

    I read on the FAR, that the 2008 book wouldn't work. Just wonderign about REG



    Well here goes REG tommorrow morning. Hopefully the last 10 weeks of studying will pay off.


    My thoughts on Flashcards:

    I love the Becker cards. I have them in my desk at work; every day during lunch i pull them out and study 2 or 3 chapters. I have done this for BEC, FAR and AUD. On Wednesday I will start studying for my April 6 REG test; I plan on going through a couple chapters of flashcards a day. From my experience, the flashcards are a big help.

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