[REG] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 10

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  • #221269

    All the best in your exam, i dont believe in luck, but i will say you worked hard for it.

    Puerto Rico Romo

    Phew glad that's done. Mc's were ok, Sims were bas but I think I did better than last time. I did better on one memo more than I did in the other one. As for the sims I ran outta time again! They weren't as hard as when I took it in october but i had to fill in some blanks fast…. I sure hope I did enough for a 75!


    Anna ,

    Please help out with the AMT , i am totally lost in this area, if you can give me some notes from your understanding and a detailed example.

    Thank you.


    Puerto Rico Romo,

    You remind me of my recent experience. And I had a 74 from when I took it in November… hope our luck/studies brought us one more point.

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    Hey everybody, I'm new to this site and just found it maybe 15 minutes ago… but here's my issue; I am taking REG for the first time this coming Thursday. I am studying the Becker materials as well as the questions the AICPA just released from 2009 (there are 40 of them). I did the questions and got about 78% on the questions from the AICPA, and on my Becker material I am getting 88-90%'s. My story is a long one, but to keep it short, I'm 29, was pre-dental in undergrad, blah blah blah, and now am wanting to be a CPA.

    For anybody that has taken the Becker review course, is knowing the and pretty much memorizing the topics in the MCQ's enough to pass this thing on the first time through? I have been studying pretty consistent (20-30 hours a week) since the middle of December and am now doing final reviews of all my weaknesses until the exam.

    Any help would be great and very much appreciated. I admire all of you that have passed the exam(s) knowing that everybody has different circumstances in their lives and you, as well as myself, all want to better our lives for our families by becoming professionals.

    I also have a pretty good outline of notes for REG for any of you that would like them.

    Thank you again for reading my blabber.

    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    hopeful_CPA – Welcome and you come to the right website for insight and any advice you can possible want on the CPA exam. It sounds like you have put in plenty of preparation for REG. I am also using Becker and studying for REG. I do not know how much you know about the CPA exam so forgive me if I regurgitate something you already know. When studying you need to learn the concepts the questions are trying to teach and the different ways questions can be asked from each multiple choice questions. Have you taken the Becker Practice Final Exams in the software and have you become familiar with how the simulation, written communications and research tabs operate. For many individuals time is an issue when taking REG so I would be sure that you have a plan to try to complete each testlet of the multiple choice questions by a certain time. Everyone says if you do not know the answer within 2-3 minutes guess and move on. However in REG remember the 72 multiple choice (there are 3-5 test questions per testlet that do not count) questions represents 70% of your exam. I personally feel that the multiple choice questions will make or break your exam so I plan to reread every question a second time through unless time becomes an issue. I have done this with the three exams I have passed. I have heard many stories including from Jeff the owner of this site who have not finished the last simulation and still passed with decent scores. Those individuals more than likely did very well on the multiple choice questions. Another tip, if time becomes an issue on the second simulation make sure you take the time to do the written communication first even though only one is graded and try not to leave any tab blank. You are not penalized for a wrong guess. Well if you have any other questions, feel free to ask someone always responds. Good Luck on REG, I take mine a week from tomorrow.


    Good advice Lee_IN.All the best , let us know how you fare.


    Lee_IN – Thank you for the advice and feedback… as of right now I am studying the Becker MCQ's and will be doing the final exams and simulations tonight and tomorrow as well as Wednesday for the first part of the day. Although I am working 45 hours a week, I make time for a good 3-4 hours a night to study as well as I am taking Wednesday and Thursday off from work to relax and have a clear mind for exam day.

    While studying the Becker problems and topics, I feel I have learned the material pretty well. What is freaking me out now is that I am looking at questions from cpafreereview.com and they are questioning material that I have never seen before. Has anyone else experienced this as well?

    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    hopeful Cpa

    don't even waste time to look at the cpareviewforfree.com. I have no idea where they get all those questions, they make no sense. Sometime, when you doin their questions, it seem like you have not even studied for the exam yet. When I took there practice test, I was getting in my low 40s and I scored an 87 with becker. Therefore, don't waste your time on it.

    BEC - 82 Reg-87 Aud - 86 Far - 81 (THANX THE LORD)
    (Dr CPA (Asset)
    Cr Life) 😉 (revenue)


    rahulcpa –

    thank you for the reassurance… i was getting like 60%'s and i was completely freaking out.

    i hope the becker is enough come thursday =/

    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    hopeful cpa

    absolutely, just make sure to go over becker simulations couple of times because u may get stuck on them. However, if you know the material in and out, you will be just fine. Also, the time limit is very very tight on the exam. Make sure you have appropriately divided the time between the 5 testlets. In additions, as soon as you get to the simulation , do the written communication first because that part carries at least 10 points on both sims. So try to save more time for the sims and you will be just fine. good luck.

    BEC - 82 Reg-87 Aud - 86 Far - 81 (THANX THE LORD)
    (Dr CPA (Asset)
    Cr Life) 😉 (revenue)


    Hi all…I have T-minus 5 days until I retake my REG exam. My first time through, I used Becker and scored a 69. When I got my failing score, I purchased Yaeger Home Study. I have since listened (and actively took notes) to all 36 hours of lecture material and have worked through all of the recommended multiple choice questions (and, again, actively took notes). My plan for the next few days is to re-write all of my multiple choice notes and work 30 question multiple choice testlets with the Wiley exam software until I am comfortable with the material for the exam. Has anyone used a similar study method? Or perhaps can recommend something else to a candidate in my situation? Thanks!


    FAR: 84, AUD: 82, BEC: 76, REG: 78


    seems like a very intensive study plan. However, just wanted to remind that make sure you do work on simulations because they carry 30 points in the exam and they are very tricky and get even more tricky with the time constraints. From your planning and organization, you will do good on mcq's but do focus on simulations as well.

    BEC - 82 Reg-87 Aud - 86 Far - 81 (THANX THE LORD)
    (Dr CPA (Asset)
    Cr Life) 😉 (revenue)


    anyone ever feel like after all the study and preparation that they still dont know anything?

    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Hopeful_cpa – With every exam, I felt that way. I have a hard time recalling the information until I see the multiple choice question and then usually can figure out the answer. So, try to relax, have a test strategy on time and try to keep calm during the exam. Three hours seems like a long time but it really isn't. Make sure you arrive at the test center in plenty of time with your ID and NTS. I arrive at least 1 hour prior to my appointment time and sit in the car and do some last minute studying over my weak areas. Nothing worse than being late for this exam. I found that I can remember some weak area information such as maybe a formula that was giving me problems and when I get to the exam I immediately write it down on my scratch paper provided by the test center. One last thing, you have only 10 minutes from the moment you enter your section id number to get to the exam or the test will kick you out and you will not be able to take the exam. The entry screens are just like the Becker Practice Final Exam. So if you have read them carefully in your Becker software, do not spend alot time rereading them. Good Luck tomorrow.

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