Took REG, need an uplift

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by J.
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  • #2534550

    Hey yall,

    So I’m just gonna vent a little about REG. So yea I just took it two days ago. I honestly have no clue what to think about it. I know I destroyed the first testlet of MCQs, but my next testlet I had flagged about half of the questions since I was stuck between 2 answers or was not quite sure. By my 3rd testlet, I was starting to get mentally drained, the questions weren’t that bad. I have no clue what happened during my 4th testlet and I feel reasonably confident on my 5th. I’ve only passed AUD so far and starting next week Ima start FAR. I just want to pass REG cause I was so over that material. Ive been trying to comfort myself by reading other ppl’s experience or asking some of my coworkers/classmates. One of my classmates got a 36 on his mock and passed with a 78, and I’ve heard similar things from other people. All in all I just need someone to give me an uplift and share their experience on REG and how it turned out. Sucks that I have to wait until Aug 7 to hear if I passed.

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  • #2534667

    Sorry to hear about your reg experience. It was very much like mine. No I didn't pass, but I didn't go crazy until I got my score which was too miserable to tell. I just took a deep breathe, excepted the score and worked out a new study plan. I could have studied harder, or did some other things different, but I am going to be ready for the next time. I am working on Far at the moment, and I'll deal with reg again. I just want to pass a part so I am convinced that I can pass. So if you need to change your study plan then do it. take a deep breathe and be ready for the next part. Get a plan and let's go. You passed AUD so you can pass the rest. Keep your head up until you get that score.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader.....time to pass

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    How are you today J? are you almost ready to take on Far? You have your review materials ready?

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader.....time to pass

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    The test is designed to make you feel like you are doing extremely bad. When i been between 2 answer i just went with the one i thought was correct first. My advice is to never second guest yourself or you going to drive yourself crazy. Just wait till you get the score back and then regroup.


    @Tncincy I'm good! So yea I took like 5ish days off and just started FAR. Im aiming to finish it by the end of this month and then review for a half month and then take it in August. Fortunately I had my materials before I took REG so Im ready to go. Just finished F1. I'm doing well on the MCQs for the most part except F1 M8. Ive been averaging 70%-90% which I feel is fantastic, but for some reason (maybe cause I'm tired) M8 MCQs were very difficult to try to understand exactly what on earth they were saying. I'll be honest, its pretty daunting looking at 9 more chapters of this. Idk, I think audit will probably be my favorite section since it was easier for me to pick up on the logic and there wasn't really any math involved. But yea Ima grind through all this material and hopefully BEC after this will be an uplift.

    @silent yea I hope so. I'm going in with the mindset that I failed just so on the chance I don't pass I've already accepted it and if I do pass it will be cause for celebration. I was mad that its gonna take so long for me to hear back, but from what I heard is that the exam graders take a long time since they look at your sims to see if you used excel and made an effort, which I'm glad I used quite a bit and hopefully translates to partial credit. Only time will tell. My goal is to at least get through all the sections (FAR and BEC left) and if I need to retake when I'm working full time, I'll have that foundation of knowledge and it'll be mostly review again

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