REG Sims

  • This topic has 8 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #188508

    Hey Ladies and Gents,

    I got my score for REG…75. And I know a Pass is a Pass and I’m thankful for getting that exam behind me. BUT, my score is not reflective of the amount of studying I put in ( Becker Self-Study, 8hrs per day, 7 days per week for 31 days…I’m fortunate to not have to work right now, hence the long study hours).

    I knew the material in and out, and have done everything by the books…Listened to Lecture, went back through the lecture and made flashcards on EVERYTHING, memorized everything I could…passed all MCQs with a 75 or better the first time through, re-did all MCQs I got incorrect, re-did some AGAIN, did Sims, re-did Sims AGAIN.

    In the exam, I felt confident with the MCQs and I really can’t see how I would’ve done poorly on that portion of the exam. But, like many of us experience, the Sims were difficult, some more than others. Some stuff I knew, some I had NO idea. I can only assume that my score dropped due to performing poorly on the sims.

    My question goes out to anyone who has recently taken REG….ALL of my Sims (except the research, which was cake) were open-ended “enter the amount” problems…I had no Sims that required me to pick an answer option from a pull-down list. So, in effect, if my entered amounts were incorrect, then that’s obviously a totally incorrect answer.

    Did anyone have a similar experience with only having open-ended Sims where you just enter dollar amounts for the situations given (vs. choosing possible answers from a list within the cell)?



    FAR…Oct 4

    AUD…Nov 29

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  • #611999

    Congratulations on passing! I believe my SIMS were all open ended too, and all tax. I think the most important thing for getting a good score, is that you get harder multiple choice. Did yours get harder?

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.

    Mr. Dim

    Yes, I also received REG Sims from hell. All open-ended, all tax, and quite a few topics in my weaker areas. Fortunately, I had an extra 45 minutes to poke through the AL and double-check/revise my gut answers.

    From browsing this site, it seems many others got smacked around by REG sims as well.

    FAR - 95
    AUD - 98
    REG - 92
    BEC - 10/4/14


    To a certain extent, pure luck is also a factor. It may be hard to swallow because it can seem unfair and perhaps even arbitrary that one's outcome isn't just the product of one's knowledge, but it's a pervasive variable that must always be taken into consideration.

    Going in, I did not know the material “in and out”. I spent nine days watching Becker video lectures 1 through 7 (skipping 8, which turned out to be a good idea) and taking and reviewing notes on those lectures (after the first two lectures, my “note taking” just involved taking computer screenshots of paused video stills). I made no flashcards and did no additional MCQs or sims. I took the exam on the morning of the 10th day (obviously I'm not working right now either). I thought I did abysmally on the sims, but I ended up passing, and somehow even scored “Stronger” on the sims, despite having felt certain that I had bombed them.

    Given the amount of time you put into studying for REG, there's a good chance you knew more REG than I did. There are an endless amount of topics that could be tested on sims, and perhaps it just so happened that you spent a disproportionate amount of time studying topics that by sheer luck ended up not being tested as sims on your exam. So I wouldn't worry too much about your 75. Given the massive breadth of material that REG covers, you could have just as easily gotten an 85 with a different question set. Who knows.

    As for my sims, 4 out of 6 required open-ended numerical answers, 1 out of 6 required both open-ended numerical answers and pull-down options, and 1 was an IRC citation.

    AUD: 88
    BEC: 79
    REG: 81
    FAR: 72 » 74 » 88

    Study method: 100% watching videos, including solving problems covered therein; no books, paper, or pencils


    Valid point Matt. It is what it is, I passed and that's really all that matters.

    Is there a way to get a break-down of my score (ie: what area I performed better in…SIMSs or MCQ)?

    The only thing I got for BEC back in July was just my score notification, I didn't have any option to view a score breakdown,etc (haven't gotten the REG score email yet, so all I see is the “75” on the NASBA website)



    FAR…Oct 4

    AUD…Nov 29


    If you pass all you get is the score, unfortunately.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.


    I'm in California, and we get a “Score Report” that looks like the following:

    AUD: 88
    BEC: 79
    REG: 81
    FAR: 72 » 74 » 88

    Study method: 100% watching videos, including solving problems covered therein; no books, paper, or pencils


    I've taken REG twice now and sit for it again tomorrow. ALL of my SIMS have been open ended, not a single one with a pull-down list. Definitely makes it harder.

    AUD = 85
    FAR = 79
    BEC = 79
    REG = 65, 72, 75!

    I AM DONE!!


    I took REG yesterday. My experience was very similar. The SIMS were pretty tough. I did get two research questions. My MCQ's started off very simple then were very difficult for the next two testlets. Hopefully that's a good sign! I'll need points from the MCQ, as I'm not so sure I got a whole lot from the SIMS. On to the next!

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