Failed Sims=Passing?! - Page 2

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    So I just took REG yesterday and it is my last section left. The MC weren’t that bad and the 2nd testlet was harder than the 1st, but really it wasn’t that bad overall. The questions just seemed to be more “wordy” and more calculation questions. Same thing goes for the 3rd testlet. Now…when I got to the SIMS??? I probably should have just walked out right then and there. There were around 2 questions that had two additional tabs of information to look at! 2!! Not 1, but 2!!! The research question has ridiculous too. Anyways, I just wanted to hear some feedback from people who felt the same way, but ended up passing….



    BEC-74 (kill me), 75


    BEC-74 (kill me), 75

    "It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"

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  • #443541

    I didn't feel awesome after REG but ended up pulling a 77. However, my most recent exam, FAR, I thought I completely bombed. I walked out of there thinking I got a 50. I knew my two research SIMS, but honestly, the other SIMS I felt like I was just guessing as best as I could. Even the MCQ's I thought I did horribly on. I told everyone I failed. And I got a 76! You NEVER know.

    Hopefully you'll surprise yourself when the scores are released!

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14


    I felt the same about REG. I felt so good about the MCQs, but when I got to the SIMS, I panicked. I felt like I guessed on every single portion of every SIM except a research question. It was brutal. It was stuff that I rarely saw in college or on Becker. I told everyone I failed as well. I cried when I left the test center. I was hoping that I could just squeeze by without a completely embarrassing score (like a 41). I was hoping for a 71,72, etc. I passed with an 89! I still can't wrap my head around it. Part of me feels like they are going to take it away and make me re-take it, but that doesn't happen! I bet you did better than you think.

    B - 81 (8/31/13) first attempt!
    A - 80 (2/3/14) first attempt!
    R - 89 (7/31/13) first attempt!
    F - 86 (7/2/13) first attempt!
    Licensed CPA: 12/31/14

    Becker rocks!

    "Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most." -Abraham Lincoln


    I felt the same about REG. I felt so good about the MCQs, but when I got to the SIMS, I panicked. I felt like I guessed on every single portion of every SIM except a research question. It was brutal. It was stuff that I rarely saw in college or on Becker. I told everyone I failed as well. I cried when I left the test center. I was hoping that I could just squeeze by without a completely embarrassing score (like a 41). I was hoping for a 71,72, etc. I passed with an 89! I still can't wrap my head around it. Part of me feels like they are going to take it away and make me re-take it, but that doesn't happen! I bet you did better than you think.

    B - 81 (8/31/13) first attempt!
    A - 80 (2/3/14) first attempt!
    R - 89 (7/31/13) first attempt!
    F - 86 (7/2/13) first attempt!
    Licensed CPA: 12/31/14

    Becker rocks!

    "Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most." -Abraham Lincoln


    Neika- That's definitely some encouraging thoughts! I knew I failed FAR the first time I took it and I definitely did (because of the sims…). The second time I took it, I felt like I passed because the sims were easier. I had the same feeling walking out of REG that I had when I took FAR the first time. Overall, I think it always comes down to the SIMS, no matter what section… If they are hard, you might be screwed and if they are easy, well then good chance you passed and can raise a drink..or two..or three in celebration. Good luck to you on BEC!!

    BEC-74 (kill me), 75

    "It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"


    Neika- That's definitely some encouraging thoughts! I knew I failed FAR the first time I took it and I definitely did (because of the sims…). The second time I took it, I felt like I passed because the sims were easier. I had the same feeling walking out of REG that I had when I took FAR the first time. Overall, I think it always comes down to the SIMS, no matter what section… If they are hard, you might be screwed and if they are easy, well then good chance you passed and can raise a drink..or two..or three in celebration. Good luck to you on BEC!!

    BEC-74 (kill me), 75

    "It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"


    I took REG July 29, 2013. I felt I did okay on the MC, but the simulations were beyond awful. I wanted to cry and walk out! I didn't even come close to finishing the SIMS… the research question took me forever, and I didn't even find the right section number until three minutes left when I went back to review it (only because I couldn't even confidently answer any of the other sims). I even left the SIM with 35 answers will all zeros! Somehow I miraculously scored an 84. Such a shock! Sounds like REG sims are awful for everyone!


    I took REG July 29, 2013. I felt I did okay on the MC, but the simulations were beyond awful. I wanted to cry and walk out! I didn't even come close to finishing the SIMS… the research question took me forever, and I didn't even find the right section number until three minutes left when I went back to review it (only because I couldn't even confidently answer any of the other sims). I even left the SIM with 35 answers will all zeros! Somehow I miraculously scored an 84. Such a shock! Sounds like REG sims are awful for everyone!


    Took reg near the end of the testing window last year. Does any feel that there is a correlation on more people passing near the end of the testing window with feeling of them bombing the exam. People who feel they knew nothing in the beginning of the testing period generally I feel bombs the exam, but people who feel they knew nothing generally passes the exam near the end of the testing period.

    There is no possible way all 4 exams with each windows consistently has roughly 44% to 46% of people passing. I feel that people have a better chance of passing near the end of testing window because of a higher curve since AICPA wants a certain percentage of people to pass. If only 30% of the people passed with the testing period almost over, they want to meet that quota of a certain percentage so they put a bigger curve out there. After all they want to make the exam pass rates to be some what consistent and not too low.


    Took reg near the end of the testing window last year. Does any feel that there is a correlation on more people passing near the end of the testing window with feeling of them bombing the exam. People who feel they knew nothing in the beginning of the testing period generally I feel bombs the exam, but people who feel they knew nothing generally passes the exam near the end of the testing period.

    There is no possible way all 4 exams with each windows consistently has roughly 44% to 46% of people passing. I feel that people have a better chance of passing near the end of testing window because of a higher curve since AICPA wants a certain percentage of people to pass. If only 30% of the people passed with the testing period almost over, they want to meet that quota of a certain percentage so they put a bigger curve out there. After all they want to make the exam pass rates to be some what consistent and not too low.


    CPAorNot-You raise a good point actually, but honestly who knows? I wish everyone on this board to pass this devil of an exam, but if what you are saying is true then my fingers are crossed like a girl's pigtails who is starting kindergarten.

    BEC-74 (kill me), 75

    "It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"


    CPAorNot-You raise a good point actually, but honestly who knows? I wish everyone on this board to pass this devil of an exam, but if what you are saying is true then my fingers are crossed like a girl's pigtails who is starting kindergarten.

    BEC-74 (kill me), 75

    "It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"


    @krater23 you and me both lol


    @krater23 you and me both lol


    Ditto! I felt that outside of the research question, I would have been lucky to get more than 25% of the fields right for the sims. Ended up with an 86%.


    Ditto! I felt that outside of the research question, I would have been lucky to get more than 25% of the fields right for the sims. Ended up with an 86%.

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