A71 Alumni Lounge - Page 34

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  • #159913

    Keep in touch with your A71 friends long after the CPA Exam is over.

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  • #624915

    Cpaman you have to wait till after you get the exp.



    @Herbieherb- Thank you.


    Paid my fees…Im donezo!


    Lol Mini. I have had to refrain from typing “y'all” on this forum on a number of occasions. I had to set that up in my Droid's dictionary so I could stop spelling it out all the time.

    Congrats Keeptrying and dp!!!!

    And to my earlier post about New York rules vs Texas. I got myself confused. That was directed at MAXX not CPAman.

    That is probably why it didn't make any sense :).

    @MAXX – They updated my fee receipt and conduct score a few days apart. Then a few days after that, which is today, I got my license e-mail and was able to log in under the licensee portion, pay dues, and be a CPA.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    I had no problem typing out yall on this forum LOL

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    Hey guys!

    I didn't take my Ethics exam until March 11th ( I would tell everybody to get it out of the way while studying –don't wait, it is hard to crack open a book when you know you are done!!). I got my application from the Tn State Board on March 20th, filled it out and mailed it in the next day, and I got my license number issued on March 26. I couldn't believe how fast that went. I called the State Board yesterday and asked them how long I need to wait to call myself a CPA, and she said honey, you were deemed a CPA on Monday, use it whenever you want since you are licensed now. Weird Moment. I almost feel like I have to wait for that certificate and the “card” I before I can legitimately feel it. It just still seems unreal.

    Have you guys changed your email or got new business cards yet after you got your license????? Just curious. I bought myself a cute new pair of shoes for work!! Does that count?!


    My email signature at work is XXXXXXXXXX, CPA now :).

    I also requested my new business cards, but we might be moving offices soon so they have a hold on new business cards for now while they get that worked out.

    As soon as I paid my dues and got my receipt, I changed everything!

    I almost feel like the formalities we have to go through after passing our exams take away from the excitement of the whole thing. I understand the need for all of that “administrative” processing and conduct exams and the like, but by the time the whole process was over I felt more “FINALLY” than “WOOHOO”.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    yankee, you're lucky the turn around in TN is fast. I passed ethics in late Feb and mailed in all my paperwork March 2nd and I'm still waiting for my license in CA. i guess i might get new business cards but don't think i'll change my email sig. none of the other cpas at my office have cpa in their sig….


    All 60-65 or so CPA's at our firm of 90 people have it. You work in public accounting?

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    I put CPA in my sig as soon as I could 🙂

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    Is this where we can discuss our current career? The economy… how much our raises are this year… when your firm raises and promotes… starting salaries… offers for employment to leave… all that stuff?


    you discuss what your heart desires!

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    Hello everyone! I'm in CA and I worked for a CPA firm almost 2 years ago for 4 years. Can they sign me off or do I have to be currently employed by them?


    Finally, Licensed Wisconsin 04/27/12!!!

    Completed the exams on November 30th in 8 months (Two retakes). Took the Ethics exam in February and had to wait until the board met last Tuesday to make it official.

    Decades of work experience prior to achieving the education requirements but in my current position accounting is not main responsibility. So it is possible to get there.

    I am very sympathetic to anyone that has to suffer through the exams. I am fortunate that I have so many years of hands on accounting experience that I was familiar with the concepts even if I didn't have the techniques down pat.


    YES!! YES!!! GOD YES!!! Finally I can post on alumni thread 😀 just finished last section. 6 more months of work experience and I'll be licensed !!!

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