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  • #159913

    Keep in touch with your A71 friends long after the CPA Exam is over.

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  • #624435

    Heeello! Just saying hi to everybody. Who has passed since I did in September 2010? I miss talking to everybody and going through the score release process with my fellow online friends lol.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Hi MPoni! I remember you – you used to have the Taio Cruz signature. 🙂

    Yes – I passed FAR during the Jan/Feb 2011 window.


    AICPA Membership…say you expect to get your State License in a few months, after your work exp is reviewed…and can become a “Regular Member” of AICPA a few months from now… Would you wait till you get your license for the “Regular Member” Status? Or would you go for “Associate Member” (someone who passed the CPA exam, but no License yet)…can you upgrade to “Regular Member” from “Associate Member”?


    Erica H

    Actually, if you look closely at the fee structure, if you're an associate the price is the same for the “Associate Member” versus the “Regular Member” at that employment level. I think the fee I saw was $205 plus a $65 enrollment fee. So I think you would have to sign up as an “Associate Member” initially unless you've completed licensing, and then just tell them about the change in status once you become licensed.

    That's a total guess, however, so it could be wrong.

    AUD - 92
    FAR - 73, 82
    REG - 72, 82
    BEC - 84 DONE!!!!!! 🙂


    I'm here!

    I had to change my username from shelleydee because my last few posts didn't show up (during score release time no less).

    Congratulations to all of you!

    Herbert, I KNEW that you rocked it out on REG! I am so glad your score FINALLY came out!

    Time to pop the bubbly and celebrate!

    BEC (05/31/10) 82
    AUD (08/31/10) 76
    REG (11/29/10) 90
    FAR (02/28/11) 82


    Thanks for the compliment, shelleydee79!! I'm glad this is over now!

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Hi guys~

    I actually kinda miss those days I was studying and preparing for the CPA exam. Now I'm doing actual work in public accounting and it's hard and not as fun as I thought it would be 🙁 Anyway, it always feels good to be back in here and talk to people.


    @rollwithit, ditto! 🙂

    The Wolf

    Quick question – This is just something I observed and was wondering if anybody else has seen the same. To preface, I got my license about a year ago so I know how hard everything is and how much unsolicited advice we all get while going through it all.

    In PA, you need 2 years of public experience to get licensed (1 year with a masters). I find that a lot of people, especially younger people, always say that they are going to take the CPA test. But they never take the experience factor into consideration. For example, I'm currently not in public anymore and 2 of my coworkers and taking the exam. Neither has any public experience, nor seem to be looking to make a move. I know that they are aware of the experience requirement and I'm careful to bring it up because I don't want to come off as ‘you're not as good as me because I have the experience' or something like that. So I just never bring it up and try to be supportive and helpful when they talk about their tests. But does anybody else see people taking the exam without having a plan for the experience? Just curious.


    Yes, I do see that. That would be me! Although there are some states that don't require public accounting experience


    I recently passed my final parts but haven't received my licensing packet yet from the state of Florida. I have been looking for information on the ethics exam but can't find any. Is the ethics exam uniform for all states or is there a specific one for Florida? If anyone has information they can post on where to register and take the ethics exam I would really appreciate it!

    BEC 11/2009 87
    AUD 10/2010 75
    REG 11/2010 73, 2/2011 80
    FAR 02/2011 85
    Licensed FL CPA as of 10/5/2011 Yay!!!


    hhiccd-No the ethics exam is not uniform but most states that require an ethics exam requires the AICPA course. Some states don't even require an ethics exam. I am from Indiana and our state does not require an ethics exam. If I recall, Florida is one of the states that provides all the information in their packet. No forms on a website or anything like that. I think you are just going to have to wait until you get your packet if you can't find any information from someone who is already a CPA from Florida or on their website.


    Awww hey everyone. Glad to know i”m not the only crazy person still lurking this site. I”m just waiting to get my one year of experience (I'm up to 5 months now) so I can actually USE these dang score to get my license 🙂 I got 3 years here in Florida to do it. I should have it done December31st :).

    Until then, it's crazy busy season and real life!

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    Long time no see, Florida_Candidate! How are you doing?

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    @ hhiccd

    Florida no longer requires the Ethics Exam. Yay!

    I too was a Florida Candidate. I received my last passing score (FAR 82) on 3/22/11. I was expecting my Licensure Package to be included with my last Score Report.


    I found the paper application on the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation:


    The application requirements are listed at:


    I filled out this package (had my boss fill out the Work Experience page), and sent it to Tallahassee on 4/1/11 (overnight). It was received on 4/4/11, and on 4/7/11 my application was approved. It took them less than a week to process and approve my application!!! I can now call myself a CPA!

    My advice is, don't wait for that state to send you the paperwork. Go to the site, download the application package, and send it to them ASAP.

    Best of luck!

    BEC (05/31/10) 82
    AUD (08/31/10) 76
    REG (11/29/10) 90
    FAR (02/28/11) 82

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