ok, someone left the door open, and well, I heard the adults talking, so had to come in! I will chime in that with every wave the forum morphs, the dynamic and culture changes. I definitely felt it with the September score release. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy for my “classmates” that they have had success, I just can't wait to get to the other side. I will say that I have tried to start some funny thread/comment and, well, the fish aren't always biting! When I am stressed, I am always looking for a laugh–even at my own expense!
Ok…BakedCPA–you are a sweetheart, I had a trying day, and old lady that I am, I started crying when I saw my name! Thanks for pulling for me. I really appreciate your support.
Ok, hmmmmm so this is what it is like in here. Can't wait to get my own pass 🙂