Official “I Passed the CPA Exam” Thread - Page 9

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  • #173415

    Welcome to the “I Passed the CPA Exam” thread for CPA Candidates who are DONE and have their Life Back.

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  • #1392683

    Joining the party…



    81!!!! I'm done!! so done!!!! oh my gosh!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FAR - 84
    REG - 72, 73
    BEC - Sept 2016


    We made it! Done!

    AUD - 99!
    FAR - 08/2016
    REG - 10/2016
    BEC - 12/2016


    CONGRATS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FAR - 84
    REG - 72, 73
    BEC - Sept 2016


    Oh my goodness!!! I passed FAR with an 86, I knew for sure that I scored no better than a 60, to say I am shocked is the understatement of the year!!

    But I am DONE!!! I never thought this day would come!!!


    Yiiipppppeeee! Done 84 BEC!

    REG Aug 20/15: 88
    AUD: Feb 29/16: 80
    FAR: Jun 10/16: 80

    Becker self-study, Becker Final Review & NINJA MCQS


    It feels so freaking good. No more worrying at 12:45. No more exam crashes. No more MCQ. No more studying in my basement.


    Congrats all! We did it!

    Just barely for me, with a 75 on my last one..

    FAR – 78
    AUD – 81
    REG – 84
    BEC – 75


    76 on REG!!!!!!!!!! I'M DONE!!!! I cannot believe it!!!!

    BEC - TBD
    AUD - TBD
    REG - TBD
    FAR - 76 (10/19/2015)


    Stick a fork in me I'm done!!!! I did FAR and AUD this window after failing this summer. I didn't feel confident after either of them but thankfully I passed! For anyone still in the process, take it from me that you CAN do it. I became very discouraged and began to hate studying more than anything. But I pressed onward and passed!

    Thanks to everyone on this forum, from moral support to study tips y'all definitely helped me pass!


    After listening Tim Gearty and Peter Olinto's voices to sleep everyday… I'm DONE!!!

    Congrats everyone!!

    REG-83 (4/4/2016)
    FAR (6/9/2016)


    84 in AUD! Mission complete.


    I passed BEC with an 84 . I passed them all on the first shot. I am Finallly Done !!!!!!!!


    Victory at last! Passed all 4, each are first time scores!

    BEC- Did this first since I didn't have confidence in my writing skills. Used only Gleim.

    AUD- Did this second to “level myself up” since I had heard it was harder than BEC but less so than FAR and REG. Added NINJA MCQs, Notes, audio, and ROGER audio to Gleim.

    FAR- Did this third to get “the beast” out of the way…. again added NINJA MCQs, notes, audio, and Roger Audio to Gleim. Also added the Wiley Test Bank and the Wiley study guides.

    REG- Originally intended in the spring, I decided to take a swing at it in December so I'd at least have another shot at it should I fail before the big 2017 changes hit….. started studying in mid November as I “ripened” on FAR and couldn't get anything out of it anymore, while still maintaining my FAR knowledge. Again had NINJA MCQs, notes, audio, and Roger Audio as well as Gleim. Also added the Wiley Test Bank and the Wiley study guides.

    Ultimately I think the Gleim review course and the NINJA MCQs were the most helpful in me passing the exams.

    The audios (both ROGER and NINJA) were good on the theoretical stuff (all of audit and the BLAW portion of REG), but not so great for the calculation/math portions (FAR and the tax portion of REG). The Ninja notes were too bare-bones for my taste. I can see where if someone was out of school they could find it useful as a framework to hold everything in, but I'm more of a go in and dig up all the details guy…. want to make sure my defenses are ready for anything come test day. I always get myself worried that the next test I take is going to be some freak of nature exam that the best of the best could only hope to make a C on… like some sort of Dark Souls level with tons of traps and everything. Which is good in terms of motivating me to study and get ready, but not so great for my psyche.

    At any rate, I did not find the Wiley study guides and test banks to be too helpful. It's mainly how they word their questions and the lack of explanations (especially on Wiley Test Bank where the explanations are basically “It's incorrect because it's incorrect”) that make it less helpful, especially compared to Gleim with NINJA as a supplement.

    Glad this part of my life is over!

    BEC- 94
    AUD- 8/9/16
    REG- 10/15/16
    FAR- 12/3/16

    Matt Douglass

    The last year has been one of the most difficult of my life.  I studied for most of 2016.  Every holiday, every major life event has included studying for this test.  Last Christmas I studied for FAR.  When my son broke his arm in May, I had to shut my Audit book and head to the hospital.  I had a REG power weekend over labor day.  On thanksgiving night, I pounded a couple of Rockstars and cranked through the last few lessons for BEC.  I have completed marathons, ironman triathlons and newborn 1am feedings, but nothing has been like this.

    I have looked at this thread many times over the past year, wondering if my time to post would come.  Tonight I am blessed to add my post to this list.  I am done with the CPA exam.  I passed and it feels really good.  Thank you to Jeff and all the NINJAs for making this community a place where we can all struggle and celebrate together.  

    MS, Accounting - Done!

    FAR - 83 (CPAexcel/Ninja MCQ)
    AUD - 87 (CPAexcel/Ninja MCQ)
    REG - 10/16
    BEC - 11/16

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