Official “I Passed the CPA Exam” Thread - Page 7

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  • #173415

    Welcome to the “I Passed the CPA Exam” thread for CPA Candidates who are DONE and have their Life Back.

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  • #1373688

    Done! This is more a feeling of relief than anything.

    BEC 7/1/2016 – 88
    FAR 8/4/2016 – 88
    AUD 9/2/2016 – 84
    REG 11/29/2016 – 90


    @meesh7 Congratulations! We really did it.


    I've been sitting for this exam for 3 years, all the odds stacked against me, full course loads, full time work, insane busy seasons, lost credit for a section the whole nine yards. Today my journey is over with a 75 on REG! Thank you god and to all that supported me on this journey.

    AUD - 72,85 expires 12/31/15 yikes
    FAR - 72,68,76!!!!
    REG - 72, NOV 2015
    BEC - 67,66,10/24/2015


    This was my journey as well 3 years and 15 sittings congratulations!

    AUD - 72,85 expires 12/31/15 yikes
    FAR - 72,68,76!!!!
    REG - 72, NOV 2015
    BEC - 67,66,10/24/2015


    After 6 loooong months, this journey finally ends with an 84 in REG! Congratulations guys 🙂


    I can't believe it's actually over for me! I'm a first time poster here and regularly read up on everyone's experience and frustrations with the exam which helped me a lot. THANKS EVERYBODY! 2016 has been a year to remember .

    FAR – 78 2/2016
    AUD – 87 4/2016
    REG – 80 11/2016
    BEC – 84 12/2016


    i cant believe im posting this right now. I'm in Costa Rica on vacation (pura vida!!) and didnt want to look, but im glad i did. 77 on BEC. Mind you, i lost credit in August for this exam & had to take it again. All the passes, fails & HARD WORK are worth it. Its an amazing feeling!! IM DONE!!!! Adios examenes de CPA! Time to drink and enjoy this trip! Its even better to celebrate in paradise….Woooooooo! Congrats CPA community & thank you for all of ur encouragement & posts. 🙂


    Posting in this thread seems so surreal. I've fantasized about the day when I would actually be able to post in this thread and that day is today. I still don't think I've completely come to grips about that fact. With that being said, my year long journey has well been worth it for this feeling that I'm experiencing right now. The only section I passed on the first try was Regulations, all others on the second try. Write your plan down and be specific about the amount of hours you plan to study each day and stick to your plan!!! Don't make excuses about deterring away from your plan. Surround yourself with only those individuals who are supportive and very encouraging, it makes a big difference! Finally, be very familiar with your learning style and which review course best correlates with that learning style. For me, it was a combination of Ninja, Roger and Wiley. If I can be of any assistance in your journey, please let me know. Oh and Kudos to this forum!!!! I know this forum motivated me on those days I wanted to throw in the towel! Wishing everyone the best on their journey!!!

    BEC- August 31st


    Done and DONE!!!!
    Passed REG with an 86.
    I feel incredibly lucky to have passed all on the first try.
    I've dreamed about this day for so long and lo and behold- no fireworks or anything of the kind.
    But the relief is there and I couldn't be happier!
    Today's a good day.

    FAR 4/24/16 --85--
    AUD 7/5/16 --84--
    BEC 8/30/16 --?--


    So glad to be done with the exam. Thought I was going to have a heart attack waiting for score release, haha.


    I passed all four sections. Thank you Jesus. What do I do next? where do I get the Ethics materials to start studying. Thanks all for your encouragement on this forum. for those still trying don't loose hope, will be praying for you. All the best


    I passed! I'm done! I had to pass twice for each section. I can't believe I'm done now. Congratulations everyone!!!


    Wow, it feels so good to be done, almost exactly 1 year from when I started studying. I had a FAR retake, first score was 63 and passed with an 82! WOOO!

    REG - 2/19/16 - 77!
    BEC - 4/16/16 - 79!!
    AUD - 6/04/16 - 84!!!
    FAR - 8/31/16


    Am very excited that am done.
    Got result for Final section, REG score today. Thanks one and all in this forum, it is really nice to have this forum, special thanks to Jeff.

    My journey started from 2014 and passed FAR very fast and straggled with BEC took 5 times and finally passed.
    Then Comes AUD which i passed in no time and had only one chance for REG before i could lose FAR credit. I lost the credit eventually and immediately took FAR and passed. November i took REG and passed.

    Moral of the story:
    I recommend for new comers, the following order FAR, AUD, BEC and REG. As am having Audit and Accounts background i cleared AUD and FAR quickly. But still this should be the way because there are lot of overlapping topics which one can take advantage of.

    Review course I used:
    FAR – Becker and Ninja
    AUD – Becker and Ninja
    BEC – Becker and Ninja (I should thank Jeff for Ninja BEC as i was straggling, got 13 points jump)
    REG – Becker, Ninja and Gleim (mainly Gleim for Simulation)

    I found, REG Sims are the toughest of the lot where AL is not that helpful.

    Finally, Never lose hope, you can do it.



    Hey guys!

    I just found out that I passed my last exam.

    FAR – 89 MAY 2016
    AUD – 84 AUG 2016
    REG – 76 AUG 2016
    BEC – 87 NOV 2016

    Couldn't be happier to finish all four parts but I have a huge problem.

    I do not have any accouting experiences nor do I have worked anywhere except my military translator job at US forces in Korea. I worked at USFK for two years and I also worked for a Korean commercial bank.

    It looks like all jobs require accounting experiences whatsoever.

    where should I look for

    I'm Korean and I will need my employer to sponsor my visa in the states.

    Does any of you think that I have a chance of finding a job?

    Although I may not seem as competitive as you guys in terms of sponsoring visa, I worked for the U.S. and Republic of Korea Combined Forces Command.

    Please help me out guys.. I am trying to find any accounting (auditing job) to build experiences, but it looks like it's a tough deal for a foreigner like me…

    I can easily find a job in Seoul, Korea (I mean big four member firms in Korea), but as I worked for the military, I made my dream to work in the States.

    Damn I just love America.

    Please enlighten me.. anybody??

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