Official “I Passed the CPA Exam” Thread - Page 68

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  • #173415

    Welcome to the “I Passed the CPA Exam” thread for CPA Candidates who are DONE and have their Life Back.

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  • #2888433

    It's finally my turn to post here, I passed my last section BEC back in Dec 2019. I'm finally done with all the studying of the exam, and can move on to other things after work!!!


    My turn to post here… I've been waiting a long time for this, but I'm officially done!!!

    I used the eyeball trick and found out I past my final exam and I'm done 🙂

    Thank you Jeff & NINJA for everything!!

    AUD- 74 (2012), 72 (4/20/16)
    BED- 7/6/16
    REG- TBD
    FAR- TBD


    I am finally done! I could not be happier, but unfortunately this quarantine is not going to let me celebrate this for awhile!!!!

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    I'm finally done. Thank you to all on this thread. I am sure I will be on here on a regular basis still to offer advice!


    So happy to finally be posting in this thread. I remember reading it upon failing or passing with other exams left to go. Started this journey around 2 years ago. Just found out I passed FAR with a 79 (BEC expiration on the line). All Glory and Praise to my Savior Jesus Christ who truly carried me through this long strenuous process. To all reading, after 9 attempts I’m finally done. It can be done just set your mind to it never falter and study hard. There was days when I wanted to give up, and never did. Just keep on pushing!! I want to thank everyone who was so supportive and helpful in these forums throughout my lows, and hope I can be a help and continue to use these forums upon completion. MCQs are key guys, just keep on hammering MCQs becker and ninja together got me through. Good luck to all studying, and again thank you all to everyone on this forum. I truly appreciate everyone’s help and support and hope to do the same to others going forward.

    God bless and stay safe in this crisis.

    Biff Tannen

    I’m finally done! Thank you all for the motivation, insight, and study tips!! I was never the sharpest student in the classroom, and I struggled a lot to pass this exam, but if I can pass it, so can you!!! Just put in the work and I promise you will pass!!!

    Captain Awesome

    I started three years ago and today I am finally done!!! Started out 0/6 trying to pass BEC and FAR, including a 73 and 74 on BEC the “easy test”. Feeling burnt, I took eight months off and focused on my new promotion which had me working much more with GAAP accounting than what I had been doing previously. After gaining real world experience I went 3/3 and knew I would make it to the end.

    I used a different software for my first 5 attempts, but it wasn't until I found Ninja that I actually started to learn and grasp the concepts which ultimately led to my success.


    I’m finally done! It’s been so hard dealing with severe anxiety and depression. I even had a panic attack on REG and had to quit the exam. Before I took my very first exam, I was so nervous I ended up in a psych ward because I was suicidal. I couldn’t even work because of my depression and had to do intensive therapy. I’m not even joking. I’ve wanted to take the exam for years and it took me four years to actually work up the nerve and stop letting my NTS expire!
    I’m going to go burn my book now. YAY!


    As of 8:00 PM EST I passed AUD and I am done!! It's been a journey since JAN 2019 and now it is finally over and I couldn't be happier. The forum was huge encouragement along the way! Now it's time to get that work-experience


    I just found out last night I passed my 4th and final exam! It feels so great to be done!


    Congrats Kristi!!


    Four for four (finally)!!! After three expired scores and an embarrassing number of NTSs, I am FREE.

    You can do it – I promise! I pretty much gave up after my scores expired in 2018, but I opened up to my family last year about my issues. They supported me and pushed/helped me pass all four again in four months (January through May this year).

    Anyway, my stomach has been in knots for days, and tonight I am truly relaxing with absolutely nothing exam—related looming in the back of my head for the first time in nearly five years.


    Congrats on being DONE, Ally!


    I am done! Got REG results yesterday and couldn't believe my eyes….got an 85! Thank you Jeff for having this forum as it has been so helpful to me pushing through this past year. When I was frustrated I would visit the forum for encouragement. It was incredible to read posts from others going through the same thing. For all you older candidates….it can be done. Stay focused. Keep pushing. I'm 46 years old, working a full time job and have a wife and 2 children and I did it. I know you can too!

    I used Becker and did lectures, skills practice, simulations and mcq in the order provided. When I finished all of them in an exam section, I then spent as much time as necessary to do 1500 MCQ's really trying to understand concepts for the questions I got wrong. For me that was another two weeks to do. I did not do practice tests. I tried for FAR and found it a waste of time. Not saying my strategy works for everyone, but it worked for me.

    Electric Chicken

    I passed AUD with a 79!!
    I am officially done with this! I can finally have my life back after 1.5 years.
    Glory be to God!

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