Official “I Passed the CPA Exam” Thread - Page 32

  • This topic has 1,066 replies, 891 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by jeff.
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  • #173415

    Welcome to the “I Passed the CPA Exam” thread for CPA Candidates who are DONE and have their Life Back.

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  • #1633723

    Finally done! Little more than a year of studying, working full time, and planning a wedding was more than enough misery for me! Words don't even describe how happy I am today! Congrats to everyone else who passed!

    B 10/29/16
    A 10/1/16
    R 9/2/16
    F 7/26/16

    Pawn Maker

    A large part of me wondered if I would ever be able to post in this thread, but after the horror show that was the CBA score release I found out that I am indeed done! Congratulations to everyone, man am I happy this is over!


    Congrats those that passed!! I really need some help with FAR. I can't seem to pass this thing. My score says it all.


    I'm so happy to be posting in this thread! Thank you, God! I haven't cried over too many happy moments in my life, but I must admit I shed a tear last night when I saw my score in REG. I was pretty convinced I failed, so I'm overjoyed with relief today.

    Thank you, Jeff for this forum and the Ninja test bank. I think your test bank made the difference with every section for me.

    I wanted to embed this video, but I failed. I heard it in the car today on my lunch break and had to turn it up. This is our song today. 🙂


    I am so happy to share, I PASSED! This has been a long journey and I am so relieved to be done! Thanks to Jeff and all the help I gained from the Ninja MCQs(The main reason I ever passed), the ninja notes, and ninja audio.

    For those of you who didn't pass, keep pushing forward. You will get there as long as you don't give up!

    FAR 75 (5/19/16)


    Finally it's over!!!!

    Started this journey back in 2013 with a 75 in FAR. Best friend passed away in a car accident and I struggled to keep going and failed over and over and ended up losing credit before restarting again 2 years back.

    FAR: 75*expired 72 83
    REG 83
    AUD 73 65 67 71 74 79
    BEC 74 88

    I was doubted by friends and even family and had to deal with a lot of personal struggles but I never gave up on myself(even though I was really close to throwing in the towel). Congrats to the rest of you who also finished!!! Everyone else keep at it! You will be here soon!


    I am proud to say that after 7 months, four exams and no life I am done!!! I don't think it has sunk in yet but it is marvelous to know I will never have to open up my study material again. Huge shout out to Gleim and this forum and all that post here. Gliem was the perfect study resource for me and this forum has been my inspiration and a place to go when no one else understood what I was going through. I hope all CPA candidates find this place. Congrats to all those who are done and for those who are still on their journey, please never give up. The other side feels so incredicble and you will get there!


    I'm officially done. I finally got through the CA website after pressing refresh all day. I got an 85 on Audit.


    DONE!!!! After 15 hours of refreshing on the CA Board site… 77 on REG!

    AUD - 83 (5/13/16)
    FAR - 77 (7/20/16)
    BEC - (8/12/16)
    REG - (10/15/16)


    I have tears in my eyes y'all. I am done. After refreshing the California Board's site for literally 16 hours, I finally got my last score — 91 on BEC. I know there is all that annoying stuff to do (ethics exam, etc.), but screw it — I'm a CPA!

    This has been the hardest thing I have ever done. I couldn't have gotten through it without this community, so thank you, sincerely.


    FAR - 6/4/16 - 82
    AUD - 8/27/16
    REG - TBD
    BEC - TBD


    I am so happy and so proud of myself to be able to finally post in this thread. I started studying for the exams in late 2015 and now I have finally received all passing scores. I still do not know how I passed FAR and REG but I am not going to question it. I really hope if anyone is struggling they will just keep going it is possible and the end result is so worth it. I can now go enjoy the last 5 days of my Vacation. Me ti just need to get all the other items signed and sent.

    AUD- 72, 71, TBD (now i am pissed no more messing around)
    FAR-70 retest-11/28/16


    I am officially done too!!!
    I studied on/off for about 3 years and finally done!!!!


    Happy to get to post in this thread! I've been dreaming about this moment for sure.

    Started studying at the end of Aug 2016, first exam in Nov 2016, so just over a year of studying. Work a demanding full time job but no kids, so flexibility there.

    I have to say that studying wasn't really bad until about June of this year. I was burned out and then doubled my efforts to get 2 exams in Q3, so I was at my breaking point 2 weeks before my last one.

    However, every single moment was 100% worth it, as I met my goals of getting in done in a year (ish) and passing all on the first try. I'm so happy, though the 2-4 month wait for license sucks.




    I'm going to sticky this thread to give people an extra boost of motivation through the Christmas holiday 🙂

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