Official “I Passed the CPA Exam” Thread - Page 12

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  • #173415

    Welcome to the “I Passed the CPA Exam” thread for CPA Candidates who are DONE and have their Life Back.

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  • #1397787

    So glad to say I finally passed the CPA exam after 2 1/2 years of pure determination. To everyone that is starting or continuing on this journey, know that you can do it too!!! I had many failed attempts over the years and finally got up to 3 exams passed before I lost my FAR credit in July 2016..I wanted to quit rather than take BEC (the reason I lost my FAR credit) and FAR again. I'm so glad I decided not to quit and give the exam one more try and I passed both parts: BEC in October and FAR in December. I still can't believe I passed. Never give up because the next try may be the one that gets you over the hump. HIYA!!


    AUD 78 Expired
    FAR 80 4th attempt
    REG 76 2rd attempt
    BEC 77 3rd attempt
    AUD 81 and DONE

    That was brutal. So good to be done. I started studying in August 2014 and took the last exam on December 5 2016. It's just starting to really soak in that I'll never have to go through this again… Don't let these exams get the best of you! Put in the study time, be persistent, and you'll get through it. The grass is much, much greener on the other side.


    A big, fat, huge CONGRATULATIONS to everyone here! This has been a year-long journey for me, and I am so happy and thankful that it is over. I tested as a NM candidate (w/all education requirements fulfilled) and just found out that we are moving to CO in a few weeks. I think that I am going to have to take another auditing course and possibly an accounting ethics course to fulfill my education credits for CO licensure, but that seems so small at this point now that the exams are finished!

    Waiting to hear back from cpaes-CO. Anybody else know anything else about this particular type of situation?

    Again, congrats to all!!! Hello 2017, I welcome you with open arms!


    thank you , Jeff, again ! am done, all 4 exams done during 7 day marathon among 3 cities of Florida 🙂 all the best of luck to all people attempting !


    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    I am now done with the exam and well on my way to becoming a CPA!

    In late 2014 I finally made the decision to take the CPA exam after a long period of pondering and fact-finding. At the time I had been out of college for about 25 years (BBA, Acctg and Finance concentrations, credit deficiencies addressed) and had no idea how to go about studying for the CPA. So I did a little research (using, where I found, decided on the NINJA solution, and started my journey.

    I followed most of the suggestions from the NINJA Framework: I re-wrote the notes (once) and took copious notes from the books (once). I listened to the audio every day (Jeff- your voice was my constant companion on my way to work!), and did the MCQs until I got sick of them.

    The results:
    AUD: 75
    FAR: 79
    REG. 72 (I slacked off!), 84
    BEC: 83

    I have been singing the praises of to anyone who is willing to listen!!

    Jeff, once again, thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Good luck, everybody!!


    Thank you Thank you Thank you Jeff!! Following the Ninja MCQ's I have been able to crack all the sections of the CPA exam!!! This is my second attempt with all the exams after failing with the Becker material. The second time around I followed the Ninja MCQ's and the Becker study material (I did not renew their subscription and just read the books broadly.

    Between juggling a little baby (no daycare/help) and the CPA exams, it has been an intensive year. Thank you so much for the guidance and support from everyone here!

    The Ninja MCQ's are an immense source of help and got me through the exams!! The relief on passing these exams is incredible, thanks!!

    FAR – 78
    BEC – 79
    REG – 75
    AUD – 82


    Reservations for February 7th please!


    After hours and hours….and hours…..and hours…..and hours of studying….

    I'M DONE!!!!!

    Thank you to all those that have answered my questions along the way and have spent their time helping others.

    Thank you to Jeff for this great forum and his dedication to helping us pass the CPA exam!

    Good luck to everyone!


    A year and a half and so many, many, many hours. I'm finally done!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Jeff for everything: the forum, the notes, MCQs, etc. Now I can get some sleep.


    Back in November when I found out that I failed AUD with a 67, I wanted to give up. It took me almost 2 weeks to recover from the failure and pick myself back up. I was able to do so, in major part, because of this website and the community of people that share on here. I used my AUD failure as motivation to keep working harder. I ditched my Becker lectures and bought the FAR audio, notes, and MCQs and studied for 4 weeks using only NINJA. I passed FAR at the beginning of DEC. I did the same thing when I started studying for my AUD retake…. Ditched the becker lectures, and went straight NINJA products. I was able to raise my score by almost 20 points, scoring an 85! I will be forever grateful that I found this website during my CPA journey because I really don’t think I could have done without it.

    After so many hours of studying, nights after work studying until late, weekends filled with countless MCQs, I AM FINALLY DONE WITH THE CPA EXAM! TIME TO TAKE MY LIFE BACK. THANK YOU JEFF AND THE ANOTHER71 COMMUNITY!


    A little late to the party but congrats to everyone!
    I remember repeatedly questioning myself if these 9 months were worth it but yeah… now they are worth it!


    Never thought I would be able to post here!!!

    Passed REG with an 82!!

    I AM DONE!!!!!


    FINALLY passed!!!

    2 years
    1 wedding
    1 honeymoon
    1 house purchase
    1 house sale
    1 pregnancy
    11 tests

    I'm done!!!

    Took BEC for the 4th time the DAY before AUD expired and nailed it! BAM!
    I'm so happy (and also a crazy hormonal pregnant woman) that I burst into tears on the train when I saw the 80.
    I'm so glad that I don't have to spend my upcoming maternity leave reading the baby CPA study materials so that I can retake all my stuff that was about to expire.

    Congrats everyone!!!! 🙂

    Ajay Rangarajan

    Thanks Jeff…Atlast I have cleared the CPA exam ..Got my last paper result today passed aud ….Thanks to ninja mcq …Congrats to those who have passed …



    9 months of hard work and 5 exams later i can finally say my cpa exam chains are broken! Im finally free 🙂 special thanks to Jeff's advice and this forum for helping me along the way. I thought I would never make it to this side. Time to celebrate!!

    FAR (5/31) PASS (Best birthday gift ever!)

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