After 3 years of trying and 11 total attempts, I am finally DONE

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  • #3210581

    I thought I would never be writing this letter. And I am finally doing it!!! I also want to help all those that felt like me. Stuck, confused, working so hard yet no results. Yes I know there are those success stories of people accomplishing it in 6 months and scoring in 80+. But that was not me. I had no idea what I got myself into. I am stay at home mum with bachelors in communications and no accounting degree or accounting work experience. I was just looking for some intellectual challenge and to have something solid in my hands after my children grow up. So I went back to school to take all necessary classes to sit for CPA exam. I was straight A student, always on a Dean’s list, I figured how difficult can this be. Oh boy,talk about an uphill battle!!! What a brutal exam. Nothing could have prepared me for what happened to me in the last 3 years. I Started in January 2018 with Wiley, failed REG with 67, then REG 66, then FAR with 62, then AUD with 64. I decided to switch it up with Gleim and finally passed AUD with 75 in September 2019. That was followed with BEC 66 in December 2019, BEC 64 February 2020. Then figured lets go back to REG and I get 75 in June 2020. Fail FAR in October 2020 with 73, pass it in November 2020 77. And finally BEC in December 2020 with 75. Funny, all that hard work and I barely got by. My advice is simple : DO NOT GIVE UP. Big fan of Ninja’s questions, and Sparring videos. I believe those had a lot do with FAR and BEC success this year. Gleim might seem an overkill for some but since I had no accounting experience or a degree I needed that depth. KEEP AT IT. It is a lot of material, you need time for that to start sinking in, do not be so hard on yourself. This is brutal. Do not cut corners. Try to UNDERSTAND as much as possible. I do believe luck plays a huge role. I have noticed when exam is geared towards my strengthens then I pass. If I see my nightmare topics in SIMS, its game over. I believe in drilling of mcqs. I did easy 20,000 over 3 years, no joke. This was hard. But as time went on, it all starts to make more and more sense. You will need some time to figure out what works for you – what style, what videos, what program. I do not believe it is Wiley’s reason I failed first 4. I just did not learn enough. Give your self time and room for error. Now that continuous testing has been approved, it will be beneficial I think. Unfortunately, Michigan never approved it so I never benefited from it. My journey started on January 12, 2018 and ended January 12, 2021. Exactly three years from when I received Wiley package. Keep at it!!!
    REG – 67,66,75
    AUD – 64,75
    FAR – 62,73,77
    BEC – 66,64,75

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  • #3210674

    Congrats 🎉🎈🍾🎊 it is a major achievement and you will get your life back!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Congrats!!! Awesome story of perseverance!


    Congratulations! Enjoy the huge feeling of relief more than anything else and not having to go over the same material
    Wishing many more doors of opportunity open for you after all the obstacles you overcame


    Thank you very much! Relief it is 🙂


    Thank you Jeff. Thank you for Ninja and thank you for Mike and Sparring videos. I feel like that was a missing piece of the puzzle, at least for me.


    Congrats! I'm studying FAR using UWorld Roger CPA exam. It is a big journey, and I can't wait to pass!


    Wow! Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story!

    I had used Wiley as well and didn't pass the first two FAR exams, I ended up switching to UWorld Roger's CPA review (solo FAR) and passed with a solid increase. It took me over a year to pass FAR due to my work schedule, but I'm so happy to have it behind me. I'm hoping to get the rest of the exams completed by this summer so I can finally relax! Congratulations again on all your hard work and good luck on all your future endeavors!


    Congratulations on a job well done. Take a deep breathe and make good use of your hard earned success.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Congrats! This is definitely a difficult test, and I am studying FAR (using UWorld Roger). I can't wait to be in the same position as you. It's a comprehensive exam, and I'm going to study hard and diligently for it.

    Jessica H


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