Jeff – Good News, Interesting News, Question

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  • #156669


    I found out today that I passed BEC with an 85, which I am very excited about. However, I had to call NASBA, I gave them my information, and somehow, someway, the information they had in regards to my Date of Birth was wrong.

    When I applied for and received my NTS, my Date of Birth was correct because I was checking online and it would give me the information.

    So I went immediately to teh score site and started plugging in different Dates of Birth, and I finally came across my passing grade. But now I am concerned because they had incorrect information at some point in time.

    Have you had any experience with this?

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  • #204160

    CONGRATS on your score!!!!


    Congrats on passing! My co-worker had this happen to her & she just had to use the wrong birth date to get her scores online. But she has her CPA & had no issues other than just not able to see them until she used the wrong birthday. Good luck on your other ones!


    It's not an issue that you need to worry about…they have your SSN…they have your pic from when you took the exam…they even have your fingerprint 🙂 … no worries

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 76
    REG - 92

    unless of course, it wasn't you 😉

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