CPA license process

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  • #3142887

    Hi All,

    I have passed all my cpa exams in march 2019 and i have also compelted my 1 year of accounting experience at a big4 as of august 2020.I am in India.

    I have appeared for my exams through the NY state board, since i have no senior in my department who can sign off on my experience i have decided to apply through Montana fro licencing as i have a friend who can sign on the experience.

    My question is; i have completed an extra year of studies to make up the 150 hours since i appeared for the exam (120 hours), so i presume i need to do 2 things :
    1. get the additional educational evaluation from NIES done.
    2. Apply for change in jurisdiction form NY to montana.

    I am however not aware of what order these 2 things should be done or if i am even looking at the right evaluation option; it would be great if anyone could guide me on the right path so i don’t end up wasting time and efforts.

    AUD - 76
    BEC - 86
    FAR - 87
    REG - 82
    If you take longer, doesn't mean you failed as long as you get the job done.
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