CPA Experience History

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  • #3306539


    I am located in CA and I just got a new job moving from a part-time position to a full-time one. I was wondering how the experience requirement works. After I mail in my experience hours for my current position, how can I check how many more hours I need to fulfill the requirement?

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  • #3306542

    Experience is state specific.

    I know in NY, all forms of accounting from audit to tax planning and tax prep count towards your hours. (Pre2009 only audit work counted and you needed 2000 hours or audit experience to be licensed).
    NY allows part time work. 2 part time weeks over 20 hours = 1 full time week.

    I am not sure how CA views part time work, or if you need a specific number of hours in different categories, or one main category. I am also not sure that you can check your experience tally after the form has been sent in. You might need to contact the CA state board, or potentially do some more digging on the CA website for additional information.

    Memento Mori - Kingston NY CPA & EA (SUNY Albany 2002)

    FAR-93 11/9/17 (10wks, 250 hrs, Roger 1800+ MCQs, Gleim TB 600+MCQs, SIMs)
    AUD-88 12/7/17 (3 wks, 85 hrs, Roger 1000 MCQs no SIMs hail mary)
    REG-96 1/18/18 (6 wks, 110 hrs, 1400 MCQs, no SIMs)
    BEC-91 2/16/18 (4wks, 90 hrs, 1240 MCQs)


    I am not sure how CA works but I was originally a NC candidate and I could not submit experience verification until I submitted my application for the initial license with all of the affidavits that compiled all of the required experience. I did not have the option of submitting the forms as experience was earned.

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 76
    REG - 88
    How have you been?
    Ninja book and MCQs and the forum, all first try! 2016
    Licensed State of Montana April Fool’s Day 2020
    State of Colorado June 2020 - AICPA Ethics 93
    Experience was the worst part of the journey for me. You?
    If you want things to change you have to do something different.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different

    Mike J

    Hi @Recked

    Do you know if NYS asks employers/supervising CPAs to supplement the Form 4B? eg pay stubs, W2s etc.

    NYS considers 35 hours a week full time. From Oct 2020 until year end I worked 32 hours per week. Starting in January up to now, I’ve worked at least 40 hours a week.

    Part time weeks count only half of full time weeks. NYS only states that it requires verification of part time hours but no mention how it verifies full time.

    So basically I want to be able to say I worked a full year at my current position on a full time basis. But would love to know your thoughts.

    AUD - 90
    BEC - 79
    FAR - 77
    REG - 77
    They don't trust JUST ANYBODY to count beans

    Can anyone tell me how to get two years of CPA experience if you are not currently working in the industry? Thanks

    AUD - NINJA in Training
    BEC - NINJA in Training
    FAR - NINJA in Training
    REG - NINJA in Training
    Deborah Ann

    Ninja Warrior


    Mike, to my knowledge NY does not request additional supporting information.
    I am not sure how your calculations worked out, but also keep in mind that most people that work a 35-40 hour work week, don't actually work that many hours because of lunch and breaks, etc.
    I know my boss sent in paystubs for the part time hours, but I ended up being way over the time required by the time they got to review my application. (There was a signifigant delay in 2017/2018).

    Deborah, look into the NASBA experience verification service.
    You might have to apply in another state than the one you actually want to be licensed in, and then take advantage of reciprocity to transfer to your state.

    Memento Mori - Kingston NY CPA & EA (SUNY Albany 2002)

    FAR-93 11/9/17 (10wks, 250 hrs, Roger 1800+ MCQs, Gleim TB 600+MCQs, SIMs)
    AUD-88 12/7/17 (3 wks, 85 hrs, Roger 1000 MCQs no SIMs hail mary)
    REG-96 1/18/18 (6 wks, 110 hrs, 1400 MCQs, no SIMs)
    BEC-91 2/16/18 (4wks, 90 hrs, 1240 MCQs)

    Mike J


    Thanks for the response.

    You’re probably right re full time. It’s just taken me awhile longer than I’d like to get to this point so it could be some nerves talking.

    No not lunch. Haha But work and training, other administrative work goes toward the 40+ hours. Also good point—if we were to break down work billed versus actual productive work we’d all have to worry about client lawsuits ala that Tom Cruise movie The Firm. But I digress

    AUD - 90
    BEC - 79
    FAR - 77
    REG - 77
    They don't trust JUST ANYBODY to count beans

    Yes, I did see that. I can hire someone to verify my experience for about $500 in other states. I also checked into doing volunteer work for the experience as well. I am a recent Board Member of a Museum, so I will ask our CPA to help him at no charge.

    Thanks so much for your post, and thanks to Jeff for his response on the podcast.

    I really like this forum. When you take a journey, I realize the CPA exam is a journey, you have to immerse yourself into the world if you want to accelerate your success.

    AUD - NINJA in Training
    BEC - NINJA in Training
    FAR - NINJA in Training
    REG - NINJA in Training
    Deborah Ann

    Ninja Warrior

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