CPA exam certificate (IL)

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  • #3309526

    How long does it normally take for ILBOA (I’m in IL) to mail out the CPA exam certificate after passing the CPA exam and the ethics exam? I just passed the ethics exam today and am really nervous about the process of licensing. what was your experience like?

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  • #3309529

    I don't remember when I got my certificate, but I do remember the rest of the licensing process. I had passed in August 2020 (ethics was done at this point too). I applied for licensure the same day. Even though the whole licensing process is online, I didn't receive my license until Oct 2020. I waited about 3-4 weeks after I applied, but didn't hear back. So I called the IDFPR once per week just to follow up and see what the status of my application was. I think that helped speed things up because I was licensed by the first week of October 2020.

    "It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." -Eleanor Roosevelt

    Licensed CPA in IL

    FAR-72, 55, 82 (Roger + Wiley TB)
    AUD-66, 92 (Roger)
    REG-7181 (Roger + Wiley TB)
    BEC-77 (Roger)
    Ethics- 93


    Got it. For the work experience verified by the supervisor, does the form need to include detailed experience or just say that I worked full time for x years at the company providing accounting services? would that be sufficient? Thanks!


    I gave details in my application. I said things like reconciliations, month-end close, budgets…you can keep it brief 🙂

    "It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." -Eleanor Roosevelt

    Licensed CPA in IL

    FAR-72, 55, 82 (Roger + Wiley TB)
    AUD-66, 92 (Roger)
    REG-7181 (Roger + Wiley TB)
    BEC-77 (Roger)
    Ethics- 93

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