Question about Bathroom breaks - Page 2

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  • #174816

    Long time lurker here…taking my first section (FAR) in 3 days and I have a couple questions on breaks. the first one is kind of a dumb question but i’ve just never had anyone validate it for me.

    Once the clock starts for the 4 hours, does it stop at all? meaning, are there any scheduled breaks?

    Second question…So I am 8 months pregnant and i have to go the bathroom at least once every 30 minutes, sometimes more if baby presses his head on my bladder. I tried to contact NASBA and the state board to see if I could get special accommodations (extra time) but i just got stuck in an endless loop of voicemails and transfers….so my question is…Has anyone tried to wear Depends during the exam? I would only “go” towards the end if i’m pressed for time, but i rather pee on myself than fail this exam. Any other relevant advice would be helpful.

    P.S. I think its ridiculous the clock doesn’t stop if you have to go to the bathroom, feel sick or need a drink of water…no humanity =P

    Thanks guys…

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  • #431583

    You know…I've thought about the possibility of going into labor while taking the test. My plan is hang in there, fight the contraction pain, and get through the test. I've never been pregnant before so who knows how realistic that plan is, but the link above gave me some reassurance!

    In any case, I cant go into labor yet, bc of studying for this exam for the past 3 months, i've postponed my baby shower and my delivery classes till after the exam. Junior better co-operate!


    Cackling at this thread. Good luck!

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    So how'd your bladder do during the test? Still pregnant? 😉


    @LifeIsNotGood LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome!

    Class of 2012


    How did I miss this thread?! I am still laughing!!!!

    Btw – taking a break is not a bad idea. I always took a break before the SIMS on every single exam. For AUD, I had so much time, that I ended up taking a break after every testlet lol

    Class of 2012


    I think Lifeisnotgood just topped taking a nap in between testlets. He took a DUMP while taking the exam. Swag! lol

    Class of 2012


    … stil laughing!

    Class of 2012


    @Lifeisnotgood…sorry for your bad luck, but LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm taking REG on the 6th and am a firm believer in NO LIQUIDS OR FOOD 2-3 hours before testing and especially NO CAFFEINE.

    I took a study break to see what the good word is on the forums tonight, and I'm so glad I did!!!!

    @aklement…8 months preggo and testing is no picnic, best of luck and fingers crossed for a pass and a healthy baby!!!! 🙂

    REG: 12/6/12

    AUD: 71 – Round 2: January 2013

    BEC: Spring 2012

    FAR: Summer 2012

    REG: 75 DONE 🙂
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE 🙂
    BEC: 76 DONE 🙂
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE 🙂
    Licensed Michigan CPA 🙂
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    I always chugged a 20 oz RedBull before going in the exam AND I always had food in my backpack because I binge from stress… nothing major, maybe a burrito, some tacos, etc. Before the SIMS, I porked out on all the food in my locker. The Prometric people always stared lol

    Class of 2012


    bump for update!

    AUD 4/12/12 79
    FAR 5/29/12 76
    REG 8/2/12 82
    BEC 8/30/12 72 Retake 10/18/12 76!!! DONE!!!!
    ExamMatrix, Wiley Books, NINJA notes and audio


    omg…I'm dying here lololol. Yes, TMI, but oh so funny!!


    This thread is amazing.

    In the days before a test I have taken to being very careful about the food I eat. I'm a little paranoid about possible test day distractions and don't eat anything that could be a “risk.” No take-out, especially sushi. Nothing spicy, too greasy, no ground beef, etc. It reminds me of the Sex in the City movie when Charlotte “Poughkeepsie's” in her pants after avoiding the food in Mexico. 😉


    I just took AUD on 10/26 and had a baby on 11/12, so I was considered full term (meaning 38-42 wks into pregnancy for those not familiar). I didn't drink 2hrs before the exam plus I knew that at this stage the urge to go is caused by the baby and not a real need (sorry, the TMI threshold for this thread has already been set so high that I cannot possibly eek anybody out whatever I say at this point) so I mentally blocked out the feeling and pulled through without a single break. But I also detailed my car the day I went into labor, LOL.


    I'm gonna barf. This thread is so goddamn disgusting haha. Kudos to @LifeIsNotGood. No way I could pinch a loaf in a room filled with sexy babes. And by sexy babes, I mean older pregnant ladies.


    @wiki?…hahahhahaha…this is the funniest thread ever…I hope I don't sit next to anyone that takes the Depend's route 😉

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