For those who are using Yaeger

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  • #194195

    I bought Yaeger for FAR back in February, and I like it, but I think it is taking me too long to view the videos, take notes, and then understand the notes. Maybe it’s just my learning style? Now it’s May and I am still watching the videos and taking notes, and I haven’t even begun to practice the multiple choice questions yet.

    I have read in this forum that people say on average it takes them 3 to 4 months to study for FAR and then take the exam.

    How has everyone else been studying FAR with Yaeger?

    Created with Compare Ninja

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  • #667781

    Apply the NINJA Framework to it:

    You should study more than 7-8 weeks for FAR. More then that and you start to forget what you studied.


    I used Yaeger to study FAR last year. I started about May and took the test mid August. I could have done it in a shorter time, but I took a week or two off during that time. My approach was to watch the lecture then usually do the Wiley Test Bank questions. I did the MCQs from the book about a couple weeks after watching the lecture to see what I remembered. I kept track of all the ones I missed to use as part of my final review along with Yaeger Cram. During my final review, I made sure to cover the earlier modules that I may not have seen for a while. I took notes from the videos, but mainly it was my way of not zoning out during the videos or to write down formulas or methods of solving problems. I didn't spend a lot of time going over my notes unless there was something I didn't understand about the subject.

    FAR - PASSED!! - 95
    AUD - PASSED!! - 98
    REG - PASSED!! - 93
    BEC - PASSED!! - 90
    Licensed CPA
    Just a couple of thoughts I tried to remember as I went through the journey of passing the CPA exams:
    Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
    Philippians 4:13 "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."


    @ peskypole46 I see you used Yaeger for FAR and have done well. What review did you use for AUD and REG? thanks


    I used Yaeger for all four sections. I used much the same approach for them. Studied about 1.5 months for AUD and about 3 for REG.

    FAR - PASSED!! - 95
    AUD - PASSED!! - 98
    REG - PASSED!! - 93
    BEC - PASSED!! - 90
    Licensed CPA
    Just a couple of thoughts I tried to remember as I went through the journey of passing the CPA exams:
    Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
    Philippians 4:13 "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

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