FAR Motivation - Page 4

  • This topic has 83 replies, 32 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by J.
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  • #156659

    I just started studying FAR for the first time and already I feel like it is sucking the life out of me!!! I just finished the second lecture and started the multiple choice, which is really kicking my butt and I’m losing self-confidence. Any advice on how to study? I usually work through the problem and if it’s wrong figure out why and keep a notebook of “study tips” or little statements that I should remember (ie: Record loss when it happens, defer gains). Any advice would be greatly appreciated 🙂

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  • #212791

    OnePointAway, the 1st SIM was a killer, took me 30 minutes to figure out what I was suppose to do……..The 2nd SIM was easier, but I only had enough time to do the RESEARCH and MEMO Tabs…I didn't do any of the calculations for the 2nd SIMs; actually the 2nd SIM was way easier than the 1st.

    I was an idiot spending so much time with MCQs. My Canidate Performance Report shows that I was stronger in MCQs (orverall) but weaker in SIMS and Written Communication.


    Thanks everyone for your encouragement. Well, I decided right after I wrote that message earlier that it would be a good time to do a Becker practice final…BAD IDEA. I only got a 70 on it and now, not only am I completely unmotivated, I am freaking out too. Some of the wrong answers were just stupid things like not reading the question properly, but others were things I need to brush up on. It wasn't just a couple of topics that I was struggling on, it was more little elements of a variety of topics. I do feel like I have most of the major concepts down. Also, the sims were pretty easy, I am guessing they are harder on the real thing.


    If you have been unsuccessful with Becker a couple of times, try something different. Not every course is right for everyone. Everyone studies differently, everyone learns differently.



    It depends on how comfortably fast you can do the MCQs. I consider myself I fairly fast exam taker, and I was finished with all 3 MCQ testlets with about two and a half hours remaining (30 mins per testlet). I spent over an hour on each simulation, but that's because I knew I had a lot of time and wanted to make sure I was answering what they were asking. If you can spend less time on the MCQs but still be confident about them, then that will make the simulations much less daunting. Of course still keep in mind that the MCQs compose 70% of your grade.


    I wouldn't freak out about that. From what I hear, Becker finals are somewhat more difficult than the actual exam. I cannot attest to this because I used Bisk, but it seems to be what most others say. This past summer when I was finishing undergrad I worked with a girl who was about to take FAR and she scored a 45 on the Becker final. She took another and got a 67. Then she took the actual exam and got an 83. The simulations on the real exam are difficult because they put you in odd situations and scenarios. For example, instead of giving you a list of transactions and say: "Make these journal entries" they instead will give you that same list but make you do weird adjustments or reconciliations.


    kmcauliffe…do NOT get discouraged over those Becker disk practice exams! If you were only getting a 70 on the Becker simulated exam that is in the same section as the homework and practice tests, then you might need to reassess things; however, given the fact that you got a 70 on the Becker practice exam, you should be elated!!! Several people I work with only averaged scores between the low to mid 60s on those 2 exams and they passed FAR with no problems! I never took the ones for AUD and then, the night before REG I, for some reason decided I had to take one. I took it and got a 66. I woke my husband up in tears and was just questioning whether I should even go forward at that point. I was a nervous wreck when I went into the test, yet, I passed REG just fine on the first try…so, that just goes to show that those exams aren't too great of an indicator! Your confidence is key when you go into this exam b/c of the time…you need to secure your answer and move on without second guessing yourself, so, if taking those exams is making you lose confidence and feel bad about things, then I might suggest not even doing another one. Just look at the things you missed on this one and call it quits with those. Focus on the simulated exam in the homework part of Becker just to keep your mind fresh on all of the topics. I know other people who didn't even take a single one of those practice tests for any of the exam sections and passed each part the first time around! You don't have to do those…if you are solid on the HW, you will be fine!


    I agree!! The Becker final exams are a great tool, but are much more difficult than the actual exam and can be very discouraging. I think I only ever passed one for BEC, and I passed all parts no problem. In my Master's class we all had the same issue and found that we averaged 20 points higher on the actual exam than on the becker final exam


    I took FAR today and I feel great about the MC and the memos, but the other parts of the simulations did not go so well. This is my last test and I'm just wondering if there's still chance of passing even though both simulations were pretty rough. Overall, I thought the MC were easier than any of the other exams, I just got really discouraged after the simulations!!


    Stilltrying hope you did well, were the MC qns manageable, what was the most challenge you had with seems, length, too many tabs ,or the structure of the qns.All the best mate .


    I think I am going to take everyone's advice and steer clear of the Becker finals. However, how is the Wiley practice final in their book? Does anyone think theirs is a pretty accurate predictor??


    I think that taking Becker final exam is a good thing to do. Not as something that predicts your result (because, yes, they are super difficult), but something that puts you into your best shape. Becker professors highly recommend taking them at least once and at least look through questions you did wrong. Plus they help you to practice time management.

    Of course, if they make you panicky, it's not a good thing. But why not just realize that they are just a study tool – not result prediction tool.


    Thanks Anna. Maybe I will take one later tonight after I review the 200+ pages of notes that I have taken. So, to anyone out there that has taken FAR any last minute tips? I just want to hear from other who have taken it things that they wish they would have known going into it. This is my last one and it has been a long 6 months and I am ready to be done!



    Good luck tomorrow. Let us know how you think you did. I'm sure you'll do great!


    OMG, i'm overwhelmed, overwhelmed… I can't believe the amount of info I have to remember…


    Anna, I agree FAR is a monster! I finished the Yeager FAR review course last Saturday. I started this review at the end of August, but now it seems I have to re-learn everything…cause I don't remember what I learned 2 months ago……. So I'm going through the review course again for a 2nd time to make sure what I have learned stays in my brain!

    Maybe it just me, but how do people here retain FAR material that they have learned 2 or 3 months before the exam….?



    Best of luck to you tomorrow!

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