FAR Motivation - Page 2

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    I just started studying FAR for the first time and already I feel like it is sucking the life out of me!!! I just finished the second lecture and started the multiple choice, which is really kicking my butt and I’m losing self-confidence. Any advice on how to study? I usually work through the problem and if it’s wrong figure out why and keep a notebook of “study tips” or little statements that I should remember (ie: Record loss when it happens, defer gains). Any advice would be greatly appreciated 🙂

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  • #212761

    No doubt… I think I'll use it to see where I'm the least comfortable, and then review those points in more detail in the actual book. I also definitely plan on retaking the two final exams, those are key. Cannot WAIT to be finished!!!

    BEC 75 - REG 74, 88 - FAR 74,89 - AUD 92




    Have you read much of this forum? If you haven't, I would suggest you read some of what people post about their CPA exam experiences. You are not alone! So many have failed and decided to keep trying. Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 times to pass one section. Face it, there are naturally great test-takers and people like me who are not. I really have to work at it.

    I took REG in August and was so discouraged when I left. I thought the CPA exam was far beyond my test taking skills, no matter how much I studied, and I figured I would not waste my time if failed. Then I read this forum and felt that if others get discouraged and keep trying, then I can too. Luckily, I passed, but I still have three more sections and I just keep reading this forum to get insight into the exam, encouragement to study, and to laugh at some of the hilarious comments that only CPA candidates can appreciate.

    You can do it and when you do, it will be worth it.

    Now I have done 18 of the 1,359 multiple choice questions in my Becker FAR book. It seems impossbile right now, but we gotta keep the faith!


    Being finished is pretty wonderful!!!

    Now if I could just get that boyfriend of mine to be finished….hahaha

    The final exams are a good tool, they always freaked me out though, I never did well on them, they can be a bit of a shock to yoru confidence!



    I meant to address EXAM64, not Tim94111. But Tim94111 is right!


    Thank you Anna, CPAwanabe and Tim94111. I will always go back and read your advice and try all my best especially making flash card.

    Tim 94111, this is not my first exam, I have taken financial and Audit before and did not make it. That I will not blame on material, I did not study at all and I have no help with my baby that time. I also didnt know about this site. I thought CPA is just any other exam one take in school, but this required a lot of commitment.

    As for my first trial when I took Reg in August, I used becker. Not to say Becker is not good but I have so much difficulty in Simulation. In terms of multiple choice, I think Becker did a wonderful job. Oh, well, is time to work hard and get over with this monster.

    i hope to come back one day and talk about my sucess. Thanks all


    It takes a lot of time, it's not like the exams in school, I don't know how you people with kids do it. I use Becker too, and I've done a real hatchet job on these exams.

    Don't let the simulations scare you. Think of them as a lot like the multiple choice questions. The correct answer is usually there for you to choose. The answer is not "given" only where you have to do calculations and in the writing sections. Also, in the multiple choice questions, don't just try to choose the right answer, try to figure out why the other three answers are wrong. As for the ESL issue, I don't think I can help you there.



    I see you improved your AUD score from a 70 to an 85. How did you do it?


    I am ESL – 6 years in this country. I was scared about memos. So i practiced them (I think I am the only person who does that).

    I literally took Becker practice simulations – wrote assigned memos and compared my answers to Becker suggestions.

    I think it helped a lot. I felt confident about both of my auditing memos on real exam.

    Plus, i used research tab for correct terminology.


    I used the score report. I was weaker in Planning and Internal Control and Written Communication. I studied hard on the weaker areas and continued to study the areas where I was comparable or strong. I think those score reports are a great tool to tell you where to concentrate. The bad part is that you have to fail an exam for it to be of any use. I hope I can sew this thing up with a lucky No. 7 in November…


    I agree with Anna. Use the research tab to write the memos if at all possible. In AUD, I copied out of research word for word. They let you cheat like that, ha! Probably a bit more difficult now that they have the "new" research style in the exam…


    Great idea. I will practice a lot of writing before the exam as well as use research button. Thanks for the advice. Anna and Tim94111, wow! I am motivated by your results, though I have to study hard like you guys.


    There's definitely some test taking strategy to these exams. I don't waste any time in the research tab because, apparently, the research questions are only worth one point…


    So i just took Becker Final review for FARE in Penn hotel today (let me tell you – even though I had to add Yeager, cause Becker regular course wasn't enough – Becker final review is something I am admiring – unbelievably well organized course).

    And I just wanted to share 4 simple strategy taking techniques that 99 % of you know, but maybe for one person it'll be helpful and it's good enough:-)

    MCQ taking techniques:

    1) Read question carefully; watch for always, never, only, must, not, least, required, recommended and other tricky little words.

    2) Read requirement part of the question first: what do they want from you. That helps to segregate unneeded part of info.

    3) Never choose "a" right away. Make sure you force yourself into reading all choices.

    4) Before you look at choices for theory questions, pause for 2 seconds and think what the answer might be… then search for it.

    Good luck to all of us.


    Thanks Anna, am left with well under 2 weeks for this exam.



    Ok… so I am studying for FAR with Becker. And am feeling confident with about 85% of the material. But there are still a few subsections that no matter how many times I read them I still get the majority of the questions wrong and even when I read the explanation and try to use that logic on the next similar question I still can't figure it out!

    For example two of sections I am having trouble with are Partnerships and Bonds Payable.

    So my question is, do you think if I get Yaeger CRAM it will be enough to help clarify these few sections. Or will it not be detailed enough (since the sections I am have trouble with seem to the more complex ones). Or should I just get the FULL Yaeger FAR materials and just concentrate on the few sections I am having trouble with?

    I am sitting for the exam in 2 weeks so I need to make a quick decision… and I know its only a few subsections I am having trouble with but I would rather spend the money and over study than to ever have to study for FAR again!


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