FAR Makes Me Sick - Page 2

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    FAR was my last part. I passed the other three the first time. I spent literally 2 months studying for this exam. I walked into the exam thinking I knew what was what and that I would walk out pretty confident I was done. But I had no freaking clue on the majority of the Multiple Choice. My testlets didn’t get hard. They were equally brutual. But I was determined to have 45 minutes for each simulation and I did just that. I spent 35 minutes on the first, 45 minutes on the second and 55 third (or something like that). Took a 10 minute break to suck down a cigarette. I spent 45 minutes on the first simulation and the remainder on the second. The simulations tabs weren’t hard at all compared to the MCQ’s. They were actually ok…which makes me nervous in case they are adaptive. The memos were ok. Didn’t really know the topics all that well, but I tried to write something that looked good and not get too technical.

    It was hard not to cry during this exam. Thank God I had scheduled a vacation and went right to the airport after the exam to fly to Vegas. On the others, I felt confident that I had passed and did. This one, I am so praying praying praying for a huge curve or something. I probably got a majority of the points for the simulation, but I think I realy messed up the MCQ’s. =(

    Everytime I think about my experience, I want to go home and crawl in my bed and cry. I worked so hard for these exams and I don’t want to disappoint everyone, including myself, if I get that failing score. Everyone rolls their eyes when I tell them I think I failed because I have gotten two scores in the 90’s. I don’t know. I’m just so depressed right now! I don’t want to study anymore. My brain is fried.

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  • #209504

    kroyal0216 said: During Thanksgiving dinner, my boyfriend's mom said that she can't understand why I can't pass FAR. She said “maybe it's just too much math for you.” LOL

    That is classic. I think since we will be around loved ones during the holidays, we need to restart the topic of “Stupid Things Said by …” There will be some good ones, I'm sure.


    kroyal0216, I also left one simulation tab empty. I had only 5 minutes left and my brain refused to cooperate any more. I just stared at the clock while it ran out. This exam does turn you into a zombie with mush brains. My testlets went the same as yours, Ok, hard and hard. I have a feeling third time is a charm for you. I passed with an 86.

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    I agree with everyone.. FAR definitely makes me feel sick. I spent all of July and August studying for it, took a break to pass REG and then went back to it for another month before taking it last week. I am single and don't start my job until March so literally spent 3 months of my life doing nothing but studying for this beast. I did every MC question and Simulation in the Becker course 3 times. I bought the Wiley book in addition and did every MC and some of the Sims in there too. I took 4 practice exams. After taking the actual exam, I wanted to drive my car into a telephone pole. I couldn't believe how many things I didn't know and was unsure of. The first set of MC was somewhat hard, the second absolutely brutal and guessed on half of the questions, and third easier than the second but still brutal (or maybe I just didn't care anymore). I definitely bombed the first sim, but possibly did ok on the second. Moral of the story- FAR makes a person want to drink a lot of alcohol.

    REG-95, FAR-91, BEC-85, AUD-2/24/10


    Same boat as you Almost There. Felt so bad about it that I have started to re-study FAR with expectation to re-take in January. I too am hoping for a huge curve.

    AUD - 89, BEC - 85, FAR - 81, REG - 91 - That's it for me, Thanks Jeff@another71 !


    “Moral of the story- FAR makes a person want to drink a lot of alcohol.”

    Perfect line.

    Took FAR a week ago (my first test) studied ~200 hours. Still feel stupid and thinking I failed.

    FAR(11/09) - 83; AUD(1/10) - 94; BEC(2/10) - 83; REG(2/10) - 88


    hahahahahhaha….I feel EXACTLY like most of you. I am still waking up from nightmares of a big 72 (or worse) popping up on the screen for my score. Driving into telephone poles, massive quantities of alchohol, jumping out of windows, and my favorite (wanted to take my shoes off my feet started sweating so bad)-I swear, I have sent potential CPA test-takers running in horror after I explain how I felt after my test. If there had been a window in the testing center, I promise you I would have ripped my monitor off the desk and thrown it through the window when my test shut down on me after only 1 tab of the 2nd simulation. Running out of time and knowing you blindly clicked at things all the way through the 1st simulation because it seemed the test writers were not asking questions in English is the worst feeling ever. When the testing center attendant smiled and asked how it went when I walked out, I wanted to make her go in and sit for it and tell me her thoughts. She honestly could not have felt worse than I felt. Nobody should ever leave FAR for the last exam-get this one over with if you can because it is a nightmare! Whoo-ok, I'm done. Venting done for the day….


    The Prometric attendant at my test center looked like one of the guys from ZZ Top. He was a skinhead with a long red beard and tattoos everywhere. LOL I told him, “No offense, but I hope that I never have to see you again.”

    No Life Now


    I suspect that it was actually Satan, and not the guy from ZZ Top. Pretty sure he was at my test too, only inside the computer asking me to answer questions from hell………

    REG - 86 (5/18/09)
    BEC - 79 (7/06/09)
    AUD - 81 (8/24/09)


    That was the worst freakin FAR exam I have ever taken. I dont even know where they pulled those questions from on testlet 2. Man that was ridiculous…some of those questions were so random that i seriously started laughing. I was hoping to finally be done with this exam but now i am about to start studying again because i am so sure i failed.

    AUD – 83

    BEC – 69, 75

    REG – 69, 71, 76

    FAR – 59(didn't study), 69, just sat but probably around a 40


    wow, just started studying for FAR tonight and I am only through the first two sections of my CPAEXCEL material and I am already overwhelmed, it looks like it is going to take a year to read all this information.


    yeah but that 6.0 rocks man; I just did lesson 1 of 50 for FAR by the time I get my grade I will have already reworked like 23 of the 50 lessons so either way its a win win situation for me……either I'll be a CPA or I'll already recovered in depth nearly half of all the material…..


    From my experience, Cpa Excel sucks…..especially their book. They also don't have an adequate number of MCQs on their website for Government and Non Profit. I used Cpa Excel last summer and failed with a 68. I would recommend using Cpa Excel only as a supplement to other review materials. Their book has no good ways of memorizing all of that information i.e. mnenomics like Becker. You might want to borrow an 09 Becker book from a friend or go to cpareviewforfree.com which is a great website.


    I have taken AUD, REG and BEC in the past 5 months and have passed all 3 on my first try. I am now working on FAR using Becker to take on Jan. 11. I am in the review mode as I have done all of the lectures, and homework at least once. For the 3 that I have taken, I thought Becker ?s and final exams were harder than the actual exams and have seen others post the same.

    For those of you that have taken FAR already, do you think that Becker ?s for FAR are harder than the exam…I know the exam is hard to begin with, but I am just trying to see where I am at with my retention from studying so far. I have been scoring in the mid 70's on the homeowrk the first time through….


    that's crazy kroyal0216; the fact you made a 68 shows a strong understanding of the material so you could have passed with a little better performance maybe you did not test well that day; cpaexcel provides the best questions not just the ones you get in wiley…it is easier to read……..but yeah……Beckers gives you the cool little code words…….I like Beckers final review book….but becker is a rip off….

    I do cpaexcel first the wiley and Yeager cram……then I jump back to cpaexcel and work the mock exams……works like a charm


    @WICPAHOPEFUL – I feel the same way, Becker does seem to be alot harder than the exam itself. each exam I took, with the final exams for becker I was lucky to hit 70. So far I have two passed, keeping my fingers crossed for FAR.

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