i don't even know why I am checking… I KNOW I FAILED! I thought I was doing ok but then I didn't get to do the last simulation (I managed to squeak out the written tab but then just tried to fill random stuff in the rest cause I had NO time left)!
I don't know how it happened I had an hour going into the 1st sim but got hung up in the details and double checking it (although I think I did pretty good on that one) and before I knew it I had like 10 minutes… which flies by with FAR sims.
I know I failed… but I keep reading posts about people who felt the same way but passed FAR… so I figured I'd hold out a tiny bit of hope that I passed.
Have to know my score ASAP anyway, so I can sign up again ASAP if I failed! I have continue to study FAR this whole time cause I know I am SOOOOO ready, I just blew it on time mgmt 🙁