CPA Exam Scores: FAR July August Wave 2 - Page 25

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    Do you know what the cutoff date is for the first wave of october/november? I'm going to schedule at the end of October and I want to make sure that I schedule in the first wave. Thanks.


    I've lurked here for several months now, first for audit a few months back, and just recently for FAR. Received an 82 on FAR, and I am now FINISHED!

    First off, thanks, Jeff, for maintaining this site. It was a great help to me maintaining my sanity waiting for scores for those last two tests.

    More importantly, to anyone who has failed and has considered giving up – keep the faith. You WILL pass; it is purely and simply a matter of dedicating the time to studying.

    I first sat for the exam in 1995 (back in the paper days!), passing two parts (audit and law) on that attempt, and only passing them because I crammed on 2,000+ questions in 3.5 days leading up to the exam. On a subsequent exam I passed ARE but failed FARE. And then my comedy (or tragedy, depending on your perspective) developed more fully. I made the obligatory drive to Dayton every May and November to sit for FARE, but I never studied for it. It makes no sense and I have no explanation for my irrational behavior. But I did it numerous times until finally my five-year window had expired and I lost credit for all three parts I had passed.

    Fast forward to 2008 and 2009 when I picked the ball back up, passing in succession Business, Regulation, and Audit. My credit for the first two was set to expire at the end of the most recent testing window. So there I was, again, faced with the prospect of losing credit for 2 parts because the hurdle of FAR was blocking my path. Thankfully, with some serious dedication in the 3.5 weeks leading up to my exam date, I was able to successfully complete all parts of the exam and dump the albatross that had been around my neck for the last 14 years. I have not yet found the right words to describe how that feels.

    So, to anyone who has failed, please keep trying. You can and WILL succeed.


    Got my score last night (MA)…67…this is second time I've taken FAR. Took it on July 1! All that waiting and didn't pass…back to the drawing board!


    Well I just found this site about a week ago while waiting for my FAR score that came last night. I cant believe all the people out there that are just like me and have 3-4 weeks of nervous impatience while waiting for their scores. My journey began in November of 2008 and now the journey has come to an end. Many people ask about what system is the best to Study for the test and I have to say that Becker is the way to go. 4 passing grades in a row prove to me that the cost of the Becker materials is well worth it. I worked in Public Accounting for 3 years and like many of you, never had the time to study as I was one that had to put in serious hours in a busy season that seemed to last for 365 days a year. In November of last year I moved on to those beautiful private pastures and finally had a chance to study. Peter and Tom will get on your nerves but their lectures and silly sayings will stay in your head long after the test has past. Overall, FAR and REG are by far the hardest tests of the 4. I am glad to say that I am done! Good luck to all. FAR – 81 BEC – 86 REG – 77 and AUD – 98.


    What does it mean if my score isn't up yet, but other people from CO got their scores last night? Does that mean I'm in the 2a wave and that my score is probably a 72-78? This is my 4th time taking this section, I have scored a 73 and two 74s. If I get another 74, I'm done with this entire process. Anyone else in CO waiting? I took my exam on 8/31.


    anyone in IL get scores?



    I took AUD @8.28, from CO, don't be panic…tonight game on…

    I am quite sure I would pass, coz my mock exam before test was MCQ@90% good with Wiley.. when I walked out of the test center, i knew I pass for sure.


    I got my FAR score in TX, 75!!! I'm officially done!


    Got my score with a passing 82 on FAR!!!!! I took 3 exams in the last two months (July/August) and passed all 3. I'm finally done!!!

    Thank you Jeff for this site, it is truly a live-saver! Good luck to everyone else waiting or studying again- I've been there but you can do it!!

    C: Tabitha


    Thanks eatsomepeaches and MA CPA WANNABE. Glad to hear GA made the work requirements easier to prove – 5 years would have been a beast with all the supervisors I've had since 2004 (8 or so?).


    I found out i didn't make it

    got 62 in FAR–1st attempt( didn't finish simulation)

    is that too bad score? feel very bad…since everyone is passing

    suggestions needed pls


    IL, 77. Done, finally. Its been a long year, but definitely worth it this morning.

    Jeff, thank you for this site and all the time you've put into it.


    Cutypie and CpaExamSucks – we are in the same boat. I got my FAR score last night: 68. Fail. This is my second time sitting for FAR. (I'm in MA.) I will be sitting again in November…I refuse to give up at this point. I have passed the other 3 parts, but I will lose credit for AUD on 11/30, and then will lose credit for BEC and REG shortly thereafter (i.e. during tax season). So….if I don't pass FAR in November, I will be screwed…..I used CPA Excel for these two times taking FAR, but I'm now considering the Becker Final Review. Have you heard anything about Becker's Final Review….? What are you using if you don't mind me asking?


    kroyal0216 i used becker for FAR but i didn't use the final review( i heard its lot of simulations). in addition used wiley book for MC practice. i dont know where iam lacking. planning to take it again in november.


    those who passed FAR what review and study plan u guys used. it would be great if u guys share ur tips….pls

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