FAR Exam Experience

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  • #3311911


    I just got my score results. 75. I cannot express how excited and absolutely relieved I am feeling.

    This testing window for FAR was absolutely brutal.

    First, in the first testlet of 33 MCQs I had, I did not fell bad about it, but I definitely did not feel great about it. I was mostly anticipating an easier 2nd testlet.

    The 2nd testlet of MCQs, I had the same feeling, so I was really banking on the SIMS to get me the passing score.

    The SIMS went even worse.

    While I new I got the Research Question 100%, I only felt relatively okay about 2 other SIMS.

    The next 2 SIMS I knew I did not get 100% correct because of the type of SIMs they were. Basically, I had to move on without finishing because I was running out of time. And to be honest, I felt I only finished 80% of both SIMs (mostly not even knowing whether the answers I did put in were correct).

    One of the SIMs, I just had to put random answers in with out reading the question.

    The last two SIMs, I ran out of time, so I was forced to leave those blank (I didn’t even have time to put zeroes in)

    After the test, I cried in the car because I have NEVER felt worse about a test, and I was EXPECTING a failing score. I even studied for FAR in the last few weeks in the anticipation of a failing score.

    So what I want to say is, if you just took the test and you feel absolutely awful. That nothing went right and you left ALOT of your test BLANK! There is still a chance.

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  • Author
  • #3311932
    Hold Steady

    Isn't it crazy how you can go from feeling the worst ever to on top of the world? Your hard work definitely paid off. Congratulations.

    AUD - 76
    BEC - 88
    FAR - 78
    REG - 89
    Keep the speed steady and hold the wheel straight.
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