Took FAR yesterday!! Need advice - Page 3

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  • #1733399

    I took FAR yesterday. I studied for more than 300 hours but in the end I think I messed up with the test. The first 4 testlets were like a piece of cake and I did really well except for the research question , but I ended up spending way much time than required. In the last testlet, I completed approx. 1.5 sim and ended up leaving 1.5 sim completely blank because I ran out of time. Please advice what are the chances of me passing the test. I have it my all and I knew it all except for the time management. This is my last section and I didn’t expect to end this way.

    Thanks for the advice

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  • #1745085


    I just read the SIMs, did not practice any, just tried to understand the logic behind it. This is not a good strategy and I would not recommend it to anyone, but I had only one month to prepare for the test and after giving other sections I thought this strategy somehow worked for me. In my experience, if you understand the material thoroughly and do great on MCQs, you can do well, if you can implement the knowledge on the exam day. But again, I tried this strategy on my other sections before using it on FAR, FAR being my last section. Good luck!!


    I don’t think any of the NASBA states give any detailed score report.


    thanks a lot, yeah the reason i ask is because I have less than a month LOL


    Based on the 82, may I ask you to elaborate on how you did on the SIMs in terms of % completed and the % you think you completed correctly.

    For example:

    Completion: 7.5 out of 9 or 83.3%
    % Correct: 72% for all SIMs, guessed on 1.5 of them, felt 85% sure about the 7.5 attempted, etc.

    Or if anything, can you please give me an idea of how you think you did on the MCQ vs SIMs? I’m just trying to get an idea of how the weighted average. I didn’t finish a testlet 5, and I only did 85% of testlets 3 and 4 with the sims. I’m thinking I only got 65% on the SIMS but probably did 85-90% correct on my MCQ’s.

    Can you help give me a better idea please? Thanks

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