Took FAR 06/01/19

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  • #2441901

    Hello everyone,

    The people at the AICPA are losing their minds. I took the exam today and I left flabbergasted after my SIMS. The MCQs were not so bad. I would advise someone to know NFP and government accounting. It seemed like most of the MCQ topics were different from what I studied for. It’s as if the AICPA has hit reset and started testing different topics than the review courses.

    I don’t have much advice on the SIMS because I don’t think I could have prepared any differently because you don’t know what’s going to be on FAR and it covers so many topics. I was fine with maybe four SIMS, but I didn’t know what I was doing on the other four. I would suggest that you know the financial statements and what can affect the major accounts on them. Learning the account differences for GAAP and IFRS might help. I was hoping this attempt was my last exam (second attempt for FAR), but I plan to start back studying in a week or so.☹️ I will probably purchase Ninja because I have to pass FAR this year or I’ll lose AUD.

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  • #2443914

    Don’t be discouraged. I took far twice and after second exam where I guessed on at least 3 sims and put random numbers in 1, I was ready to start studying again after score release. But I passed with 78!!! 1 day before I lost audit score. Sometimes “Cpa gods” just have mercy on you:) I really wish you good luck in passing.




    I really hope I passed because I have been studying for the CPA exams since 2018. It's been a very long journey and I am ready for it to end.


    I took FAR on 5/31 and I thought l Sims were brutal! This was the first time I walked out feeling defeated, like I undoubtedly failed. Reading about ppls experience is giving me hope! Score release can’t come soon enough!


    I took FAR for the 2nd time on 5/30 and felt like I studied for the wrong exam. MCQ were all over the place in terms of topics and difficulty. Sims were not easy.

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    I definitely concur with Ak_cpawannabe. You guys did not fail until you see a score below 75.
    As embarrassing as it is, I failed FAR four times. Fifth time was the charm for me and I scored a 75. And that 75 felt like I did worse than the 67 I scored before that.
    On the test I scored a 67, the MCQ's felt like more than half were not-for-profit and governmental. I only glazed over those topics because the books I used had only what seemed like 20 pages devoted to those topics combined. I studied the hell out of those topics for the next one. I knew those topics like the back of my hand and I kid you not, there were maybe five questions on not-for-profit and governmental. I thought to myself “Yup, I'm screwed.” when I saw the simulations.
    You guys probably knew a lot more than you thought.

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    Thanks everyone for your responses!

    @ES626cpa and @William I hope we all passed FAR. My first FAR exam was over a year ago and as I stated above this exam was very random. The topics that FAR always test didn't seem to be on there and I was surprised.

    @Pork Flavored Bacon

    You are right. We haven't failed until we see our score, but it felt like it for us. Taking the exam five times just shows your perseverance.



    i just took FAR today> The MCQs were pretty straight forward and I felt good about myself. But the SIMS were awful. I think I got 2 correct but the rest were really tough. This was my second attempt. I was just so sure then and there that it was game over for me.

    When I gave my first attempt, I got 69 and my sims were graded comparable and MCqs weak. The SIMs were pretty straightforward and easy.

    But this time, I really could not figure out the SIMs and I am pretty sure I have failed. It seems like @2bigcpa and I had the same experience and this time around the SIMS felt the worst.

    Well, I am moving on to REG now and waiting for the scores to be out so that I can start working on FAR again.

    AUD – 77
    BEC – 81
    REG – 66
    FAR – 69


    @RSM It does seem like we had a similar experience. I felt the MCQs were fine, but the AICPA changed up the exam and I didn't see similar topics that review courses cover e.g. bonds or equity method. Now, we have to wait about two weeks just to find out if we passed or not.


    Hey guys,
    I've just started studying for FAR and been scheduled it in Mid-July. I wonder which topics have been heavily weighted on the exam.

    Thank you!


    Hi guys!
    I felt the same way – I took FAR on 5/30 and I felt like the sims were wayyy different than what I studied. I was very surprised and disappointed. No questions on bonds or the new lease laws?? Crazy. I felt like I was taking the wrong exam. lol

    I will be hoping for a positive outcome for us all! Let me know how it goes for you guys.


    @lnichole99 I agree with you. I studied bonds, leases, and revenue recognition to no avail. Hopefully, we all passed, but we will know June 19th or 20th. Tomorrow, I plan to start back light studying just in case.


    Just wanted to follow up on this post… I passed FAR with a 80! I for sure 💯 thought I failed!!
    This was my 4 th time taking it


    @ES626cpa Congratulations! It looks like you are finished based on your profile.


    I got my score back last night and I unfortunately got a 74 so I will be retaking in Q3!


    I get to take it again.

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