Thought you failed but passed FAR? - Page 6

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  • #184022

    Hey all, trying to keep the flame alive here. Has anyone had a really bad FAR experience (heavy computational all the way, tricky, etc) and left with a total fail feeling yet found out they passed?

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  • #645684

    FAR was the first test that I took. I didn't know anything about adaptive testlets and was certain I had failed. By the third testlet I was guessing on practically every question. Time ran out on me as I was changing answers in sims that I filled out in a confused rush. I was certain I had failed — just wanted to know by how much. Then the score came: 80. Unbelievable!

    What's funny is after I took this, I took BEC, which is NOT adaptive. It felt so good. I was certain I had passed after my experience with FAR. Then…73! Crazy. Eventually I passed all 4 within the 18 month clock and am licensed today but it was NOT a fun a ride.

    FAR – 80

    BEC – 73; 75

    REG – 84

    AUD – 68; 84


    I’m the happiest man alive. I got an 84% on FAR just when I was about to quit.



    I hope I can post on this thread too after dec 9! It will be one of the best Christmas present this year if I pass FAR!

    “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13
    BEC-80 yay!!
    AUD- 91 whohooo!
    REG- 67:( 74:( really?! I'll see you in April REG!!! 87!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm done as of August 2015!!!
    FAR- 68:( 79!!!! 2015 is soooo loving me!


    I feel the same way. I am almost 100% I did not pass FAR. I am starting to review again at this point…


    I walked out of the testing center and called my Dad on my way home and told him I'll be taking FAR again. I didn't even fill out one of the SIMS and I don't think I got the research question correct, and I still managed a 77.

    Hope that makes everyone waiting for scores feel better!


    @Blackhawks32 – is that even possible to not fill out one SIM and pass? Surely you filled in something…? *Mind blown*

    BEC - ✔ REG - ✔ AUD - ✔ FAR - ✔

    Becker + NINJA MQCs for FAR

    Licensed January 2015


    @anothercpa23 – I think you will be surprised with score release and a break from studying could do you good!

    BEC - ✔ REG - ✔ AUD - ✔ FAR - ✔

    Becker + NINJA MQCs for FAR

    Licensed January 2015


    @EverybodyswaitingfortheCPA- I think Blackhawks32 means there was 1 SIM that didn't get answered, not that none of them were answered. Not answering 1 SIM you can still pass, but not answering any makes it impossible.

    AUD- 95
    FAR- 75
    BEC- 83
    REG- 85

    Officially done! Exclusively used NINJA for BEC, REG, and FAR


    @EverybodyswaitingfortheCPA – Sorry for the confusion… I left one of the seven SIMs entirely blank. It was my first exam and I wasn't aware of the zeros trick.


    I am constantly going back and forth in my head.

    “I definitely failed”

    “Ehh, maybe I did better on MCQ than I think”

    “No no…I definitely failed, those sims were horrible”

    “Were they that bad? I mean I think I knew what I was doing but did I do it right?”

    “Oh I forgot about THOSE questions, I definitely failed”

    “Well, maybe those were pretest?”

    “I should accept the fact that I failed”

    “If I didn't, then I'll be that much happier”

    “Hope for the best, expect the worst”

    “No way I passed, unless…”


    AUD - July 2014 - 76
    REG - August 2014 - 82
    FAR - November 2014 - 78
    BEC - January 2015 - 81


    Used Becker online. Who needs a text when you can burn your eyes out staring at the screen for months on end?

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you're hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"



    I hear the same things in my head too, plus “I put in the time and effort. I passed the other 3 sections with this logic. It has to hold true this time too.”

    Then I start to hear, “But this is FAR, studying hard doesn't guarantee a pass.”


    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.


    Rocky123, CPA


    Same here…

    “Gotta stay positive”

    “But you don't want to jinx yourself!”

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016

    Determined CPA

    I think the fact that it's a final test is making it that much more anxious for me. I'm starting to get a feel for what life without studying is about and I like it! and so does my husband! I can actually decorate this weekend for xmas without immense guilt! Then I worry about failing again in Q1 bc then I lose Reg – it's all just too much.

    So hard to succeed in life, very easy to fail.

    I get ‘the best things In life are worth working hard for' and ‘if it was easy, everyone would do it', but the extreme contrast between the difficulty to be successful and ease of failure seems unnatural and annoying.

    Just praying that this chapter in my life can come to an end and I can move on.

    I pray that for all of us!

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    It does feel nice to have a life again. I can't bare to go back to studying. I don't know if I have it in me anymore.

    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.


    Rocky123, CPA

    Determined CPA

    Rocky do you lose a part if you don't pass FAR? have you taken FAR before?

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.

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