Thought you failed but passed FAR? - Page 3

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    Hey all, trying to keep the flame alive here. Has anyone had a really bad FAR experience (heavy computational all the way, tricky, etc) and left with a total fail feeling yet found out they passed?

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    good luck!! looks like you are very close

    CPA soon

    Thanks same to you .. Lol as they say, when you get 74, you don't need one more point, you need the whole 75 points again. So I am still in my place, one year after starting my studies, still nothing passed.

    FAR - 71, 68, 74, (8/31/14) 78 ✔
    REG - 67, 71, 71, (10/18/14) 78 ✔
    BEC - (11/29/14) 86 ✔
    AUD - 73, (4/4/15) 86 ✔

    I can't believe this is over! 2 years and 3 months..


    Thank you all for posting! Im glad this thread helps ease some nerves, including mine. My test went so badly with long, tricky,computations that I am close to repurching my recently expired WTB access. So many posts recently show people had short conceptual questions that seemed easy and it freaks me out that mine was so different. Looks like you never can tell so I'll hang on to my credit card till March 10th.


    I hope I can write my story here one week from tomorrow.




    @longshot “I legitimately considered standing up and walking out of the testing room during the test!” Hahaha. Great story! 😀

    BEC: 73, 81
    AUD: 85
    FAR: 71, 77
    REG: 74, 75...finally DONE! 😀

    *This is my 2nd attempt at the CPA exam. For all of you who have failed this exam many times, given up on it, or taken a break like me, remember that it is still possible to finish what you started...failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently 🙂


    This time next week I will barely be able to function


    First time taking FAR I walked out feeling so confident about it and thought that I had crushed that exam. Eventually got the results back and received a 70. Studied extensively for the re-take and felt like I knew all of the material SO much better. However, I walked out of the exam feeling like it was ten times harder than the first one and knew that I did terrible…but ended up with passing score.


    I'm hoping to report here next Friday that I thought I had failed but passed! 😛

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 88!!! DONE!!!!!!!!
    BEC - 76
    REG - 77

    never, never, never give up


    dunca050- I left my first FAR exam feeling confident and ended up in the high 60's, this time I left feeling like crap so maybe its a good sign. Did you answer all your sims on the retake?


    @rvcpa I certainly believe that anything is possible and that whatever feeling you have when you walk out of the exam is almost no indication of how well you did. It's easy to get caught up in thinking you did worse than you actually did. Yes, I did get to answer all of the sims on the retake but didn't feel as great about them.


    As nothing more than an observation, I find it strange when folks post saying “I was absolutely sure I failed” and then wind up scoring a 95.

    Speaking as someone who seems to be just squeaking through the doors on these exams, and who is currently hoping for one last miracle on REG, I think my situation is more applicable to the “thought I failed but passed”.

    If you're scoring in the 90's, I think it's an exaggeration to walk out convinced you bombed. At that point you're obviously more equipped than you think.


    acg5000- did you think you had failed FAR? how were your sims? I do agree with your post, there is no way someone leaves and is 100% sure they failed and end up with a 90.


    RVCPA – My strategy for these exams has been to not sit for one until I know the material forwards and backwards and backwards and forwards. However long it takes, it takes.

    I studied for FAR for about 5 full months….it honestly took me that long to grasp everything. I went into the exam extremely nervous, but felt like I did everything I could to prep.

    My first testlet, I rocked it – felt very very good. My second testlet was HARD, and I could barely answer anything. At that point, I figured I was toast. I guessed on most, and obviously I did poorly because my third testlet was VERY easy. Once I saw the basic nature of that third testlet, I was a wreck mentally. When I got to the SIMS, the exam seemed to get even worse. I was totally lost. I finished everything, but there were a ton of guesses and for some of them, wasn't even sure what I was supposed to be doing.

    I walked out of the exam ready to head right back home and hit the books again for the retake, but I decided to take a little time off because I was mentally fried. I was sure beyond a doubt I had failed – I even started googling “Thought you failed FAR but passed” and reading year old A71 posts for any possible encouragement. It was bad.

    I still don't understand to this day how mathematically I could've possibly had enough points to pass, however, I made it. And I am not exaggerating when I say – If I can pass, literally ANYONE can. If you gut it out, you will make it. 100%


    acg5000- I really like that story. Sounds exactly like mine, my first testlet was great, the second one deff got harder but I think I still managed a good score, the third testlet was ridic and had to guess on about 5 atleast. The sims were from another planet, deff got the research and only feel ok about half of 2 and the rest there's no way I got right.


    RVCPA – It sounds like you totally have a good shot of passing. I think if you do well on MCQ you can afford to lose points on SIMS and it seems that way in your case

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