Thought you failed but passed FAR?

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  • #184022

    Hey all, trying to keep the flame alive here. Has anyone had a really bad FAR experience (heavy computational all the way, tricky, etc) and left with a total fail feeling yet found out they passed?

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  • #645609

    My last attempt at FAR I thought I bombed it – SIMS were horrid, MCQs all over the place. I was telling myself “you will not freak out, you just take it in the next window”

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt


    Cricket- I haven't passed FAR yet so I am hoping for stories like this also. I wish this was an official thread where people can post their “surprise pass” stories haha. Thanks for you and I hope we both pass.


    I definitely thought I had failed FAR. My multiple choice seemed too easy, I felt like I bombed the SIMS. I literally was depressed for a week because I felt like I had studied too hard for it to seem like it was written in a different language. I did actually end up with weaker in all MCQ sections except for 1, but I still pulled off a pass! You just never know about these exams!!


    ahigg0921- I am assuming the sims were your strong point? did you finish them all? guess at all?


    I solved one SIM by taking a deep breath and taking 10 minutes to familiarize myself with rules and computations in the AL.

    I had two research SIMS. One I know I got right, and the other made a vague request. I found the right section, but I think this one was the pretest.

    SIM number three was brutal computational question, with plenty of tricks sprinkled in for good measure (in case you found the last few hours to be too easy). l This leaves four where I'm hoping for partial credit. One of those I understood and the rest I'm hoping for accounts to match up to boxes (partial).

    But yeah – thanks Cricket for firing this thread up – I had this sinking feeling when I left the room. I know I did well on the MCQ but if I fail I bet it's because of poor SIM performance. I'm going skiing for a few days. When I get back I will continue to do a top level review of my FAR material via Becker Final Review notes and also watch some videos on JE's. Sometime around the 10th I'll get my score and reschedule a retake for early April. After that I have seven weeks to pass AUD, or BEC expires….

    I wish I could take these more often! Three sittings in three consecutive weeks should be enough to put away any section.

    AUD - 75*, 88 done 5/14! (*exp)
    BEC - 74 , 77
    REG - 65 , 76 (10 point combooo!!)
    FAR - 69 , 75

    Dr: perseverance
    Dr: intelligence
    Dr: luck
    . Cr: . advisory score


    @rvcpa – Yes, I scored stronger on Sims and it must have made up for my MCQ score. I only felt confident on 2 of the simulations – the research and one related to my job. The rest I definitely just made my best attempt! I honestly thought I had done awful on them!


    I ran out of time and didn't finish 2 of the SIMS, one was a research.

    I felt like I bombed 1 of the ones I answered after the test.

    I was very close to purchasing a new set of Becker FAR just so I could practice on their SIMS and try to be ready for the next time.

    I would have lost my AUD score if I had not passed.

    AUD: 8/17/2012
    REG: 4/29/2013
    BEC: 7/8/2013
    FAR: 1/16/2014


    I walked out of my last FAR exam (and last exam ever!) feeling 500% sure I failed, went home and binge drank and smoked a half pack of cigs in distress, but ended up with a 75. Close call, but enough for a pass! Like the poster above me, I was ready to re-purchase FAR study materials because I was frustrated and so sure I bombed, but luckily got distracted with other things going on and didn't get around to it before the scores came out! (this has inspired me to go back and read my “FAR exam experience” thread post where I went on a huge self-pity, hate-life tirade!)

    My MCQs were medium-hard to impossible, and my SIMs were very very very hard. You just have to play the waiting game now!

    REG - 65, 70, 80!
    BEC - 35, 62, 79!
    AUD - 73, 75!
    FAR - 65, 73, 70, 75! DONE.


    After I left my FAR exam, I started to hysterically cry in front of the Prometric center. When I got home and was in a terrible mood that night and for the entire following weekend.

    3 weeks later, I get my score. 84.

    Sometimes if you have a bad SIMS experience, it makes you think that you did worse on the MCQs than you actually did. My problem was that I budgeted too little time for the SIMS so I was rushed. For my other exams, I made sure to budget my time better so I wouldn't be so flustered.

    F- 7/13- 84
    R- 10/13- 79
    A- 11/13- 99
    B- 1/14- 86

    Licensed in PA- 3/20/2014

    This exam ALMOST defeated me back in 2006-2008, but I came back and WON!


    YES. That was my FAR experience. Finished the exam, sat in my car and cried, and had many “drown my sorrows” beers that evening. Spent score release morning just wanting the inevitable failing score to show up so I would know for sure to start studying again, and… 79. So all is not lost!

    FAR - 79 (11/27/13)
    AUD - 76 (2/1/14)
    REG - 77 (5/30/14)
    BEC - 88 (7/18/14)

    MN Ethics - 100% (3/9/14)

    AND DONE! 8/1/14


    I was 100% sure I failed FAR. I wasn't even anxious for score release because I KNEW I had failed. I rescheduled my next exam to make room for a FAR retake and was preparing myself to study again. I was absolutely SHOCKED to see a 76. It was incredible.

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14


    I love this thread. Definately making me feel better and like I have a chance. My MCQ's got significantly harder as they went on so this is a good sign. My sims I deff got the research and maybe 30-40% on the others. Really hoping my MCQ's can bail me out.


    nbad311- your story is amazing! glad it all worked out.


    I absolutely had the, “thought-I-failed-without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt” experience with FAR.

    I started coming down with the flu the morning of my exam. By the time I was half way through the test, I could barely see straight. I have absolutely no recollection of anything about the exam experience, other than trying to do problems written in Chinese being the most miserable four hours of my life. I was a menace to society driving home, and I spent the next three days in bed sicker than I've been since I was a child.

    Score Release Day came, and I hit refresh without even a single knot in my stomach. I KNEW my score was going to be in the low 60s. Such is life; I can't get angry about something out of my control.

    It came up. I couldn't believe my eyes. 76. Halle-friggin-lujah. Miracles happen, man.


    From time to time i still check my FAR score because I was in complete disbelief that I passed.

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