Far Whine

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  • #1673560

    Just got done with FAR and I left feeling like I’d been kicked in the head more than a few times in a row. It was brutal. Just freaking brutal. I know the second testlet was harder and normally I’d take comfort in that but…the second testlet was HARDER. And I got plenty of sims in the areas I’d touched the least (go figure). There was no love in that 4 hour package of ‘aren’t we all having fun’!

    Just had to vent to those who know what it feels like.

    Rain or shine, I’m moving on to Audit.

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    biggest mistake for me was moving on to aud after not passing far. stick to far and get it out of the way. you'll be way ahead passing far first.


    I don't know. I think I need a break from FAR. I had to reschedule it twice so wound up studying it intermittently from June to today and it was just a nightmare. I don't even want to look at it again for a while. I think it'll be better to start fresh, stick to a schedule and then tackle FAR in a more ordinary method after I get through AUD. I might change my mind though after seeing the score on the 19th. Freaking hate that test. I thought REG was going to be the one I hated the most and turns out it's FAR by a landslide.


    @Kodiak – I agree with Ana here, stick with passing FAR first. I put in close to 200 hours on FAR and got it on my 2nd try (first exam passed). the others have required significantly less study time and much of what you learn in FAR applies to the others more so that the other way around.

    Accounting Adam

    You may think starting a new topic will be fun and exciting but I think you'll find out the excitement lasts about an hour into the book. Then it's back to struggle-city. I'd stick with FAR – even if only because it's going to be easier to study in the next month or so.

    Make your weakest area your strongest, and you will see dramatic results. It won't happen without much pain – it's inherently going to be more difficult for you since it's your weakest area.

    Dreams are born in misery and accomplished through anguish!

    Stick it out!


    I just took FAR the for the first time… not sure how I did and definitely don't know how well I need to feel in order to feel like I passed or not. I am scheduled to take REG Jan 4 (second time). If I didnt pass FAR would you guys suggest taking it that first week of January again along with REG before busy season?


    @mpe12 Was FAR manageable, anything out of left field? Without disclosing


    Kodiak- Your experience for FAR was exactly mine. I hit the submit button with a whopping 45 seconds to go and there was one sim I did not complete. testlet two was indeed harder for me and is the reason I had to rush towards the end of the exam. I know people anecdotally think that means you at least did well on the first testlet, but it certainly doesn't feel like I conquered the exam. I have continued to study for FAR and will do so until I relieve notification of a passing result.


    I'm in the same boat, and I've also contemplated sticking with FAR until I pass. But we don't get the results for another 2 weeks, so that limits our options to:
    1. Keep reviewing FAR for another 2 weeks, get the fail, and then reschedule AUD and try to find an available spot for FAR
    2. Keep reviewing FAR for another 2 weeks, get the win, and then cram AUD in a week and a half

    Both options are risky moves. I'm in the busy season camp as well, second week of January until end of February might as well be black out months for us.


    Thanks guys. I might go ahead and re tackle FAR if I get a fail then. What you are saying makes sense. I've passed BEC (86) and REG (84), and I felt like I would believe a pass or a fail on either of those. I felt I nailed the MCQ with REG but the SIMs would've been my downfall if I failed. This time I feel like that second testlet was just an uphill battle and then my SIMs were awful. Not only an area I didn't put a lot of work into because I never thought for the life of me that most of my SIMs would be so focused in one concept, but I had three DRs and 1 enhanced SIM. It was just awful. The only one I know for a fact I got right was the research question LOL. The rest of them it's like freaking heck, my guess is as good as yours what I managed to get right or wrong. :/

    I hit submit with 2 mins left on the clock and no time to review, not that it'd have mattered much. Not a fun feeling walking out of there but boy does it help knowing am not alone in this journey. Hopefully we'll all get some good news in a couple of weeks!


    I take FAR on Friday, did you use Becker? If so, should I practice those SIMS to prepare for my exam? I'm not too strong on Cash Flow statements and fear that will be the SIM I get


    I did use Becker. I did not do as many sims due to time constraint and the mock exam sims were way easier and simpler as people have said. Seems Becker's way off on their sims being effective as a prep tool. I will say if you feel you have a weak area, work on it. I had a weak area and it was heavily tested in my sims and I still am shocked at it having such a major focus. Like I knew I wasn't strong in that area but it was such a minor thing I was like eh, it won't hurt much. Then I had like three sims on it LOL. It really shouldn't have but it is what it is. I'll do more prep around that item if I have to retake. My strong areas – not a single sim, and those would've been the ones you'd expect. Really sucked. I also would say their sims seemed more dual purpose. Like, they tested multiple concepts in one sim which I think is how they said the new exam format would test more application. It's almost impossible to describe without breaking the confidentiality so I can't say more than that.


    @kodiak what modules in Becker were your weakest vs the strongest? I find that i'm weakest in Modules F6-Leases, and strongest in Modules 9-10


    i'm also weak on DTA and DTL but I figured FAR won't focus much on that specifically


    @Andrew ,first of all you may not get the same SIMs which someone else got.Going by Blueprint document chapter 1-3 of Becker's have the most Analysis topics.In Asset chapter at least 3 analysis are there that means you can get up to 3 SIMs from Asset itself ,same about chapter 1 related to FS.Cash flow is also analysis topic.As per NASBA if you follow Blueprint doc you won't be surprised in exam.DTA and DTL you can expect 2 mcq at most.


    Yeah I think I just read recently for each section there are 25 versions of the exam. I was weaker in F8 and I think it was F4? Not sure, would have to go back and look at my mock and progress tests. I was strongest in most everything else when I was doing my final study session. But that one focused area hit me hard. 🙁

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