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  • #2069786

    Hello all those who took AFR in Oct or Nov 2018,
    Can you please share your exam experiences?

    Thank you.

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  • #2069891

    Took it this morning…Sims were pretty rough … Really have no idea how I did my scores will be a surprise for sure



    I suggest you edit your post because you're not supposed to disclose anything from your exam. I will say this as well though, the AICPA allocation of topics needs to be heavily revised because I was so taken aback today. All of the topics I wasn't comfortable with 100% were on my exam and the biggest topic I wasn't comfortable with had way more questions than the AICPA estimated. Very disappointed and very nervous now.

    AUD - 10/21/16 (75----07/2010 expired)
    FAR - 10/28/16
    BEC - 11/2016
    REG - 01/2017

    Using Gleim CPA Review, Ninja Audio, Ninja Book


    I know the AICPA says the blueprints are only representative of tasks that could be tested, but I am surprised that the most heavily tested items would not be analysis level topics. I know the SIMs can also be from the application-level tasks, but why would the AICPA not test the main topics according to the blueprints?

    BS/IS, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows, Consolidated, Cash, Receivables, Inventory, Property, AP, Rev Recog, change / error, contingency, lease

    Could a person really get an exam not made up of mostly questions of the main topics?


    agreeeee. after studying all topics with a little less focus on some of them, i expected there would be questions on a lot more different topics. my review course had it separated into 30 something topics. i think the exam covered probably maximum 8 topics. 50% of my exam was on 2 main topics which i didn't expect at all.


    I know anything application on the blueprints can be a SIM but analysis level is supposed to be at least 25% of exam.


    Alright guys, well, just got back from FAR. All I have to say is…wow. You really never know what the AICPA is going to throw at you!

    The first testlet honestly wasn't bad, not exactly what I expected though content wise (go figure). Second testlet from what I could tell did increase in difficulty, which of course took me considerably longer to complete. Now for everyones favorite topic, the task-based-simulations. Long story short, almost every single TBS I received had 5-7 documents to review. Not sure how any reasonable person could have completed all that was required within the allotted time frame. However, I did my best to stay afloat and filled in answers to the best of my ability. Lastly, for the life of me…I could not find the research question. I looked for legitimately 15 minutes to no avail and finally had to pull myself together to try to focus on something else. All in all, I'm not too sure if I passed but I did give it everything I had. As always (see signature) I am keeping the faith alive. Godspeed to all sitting the next few days!


    I second what operation_cpa said. MCQs in both testlets are what you would expect. The TBS's though were chalked full of documents to review which was time consuming but I managed to muddle through it. However, the research was difficult and there was a TBS that was so out of left field that as I read it I said “What the he11” aloud in the testing center. If I had to offer one piece of advice I would say familiarize yourself with the professional literature. I studied like crazy on many other subjects but hardly touched the FASB-ASU's and it came back to bite me.


    took yesterday.
    many (I mean, MANY) questions about GOV/NFP accounting on MCQ
    GOV/NFP are heavily tested!!


    I agree with you. Most of the SIMS had multiple documents that I was seriously just sitting there during the 15 minute break wondering how in the world they expect anyone to actually finish the exam in the allotted time. Most of us do this for a living and we wouldn't be able to finish that in a day, let alone four hours… My only thinking is that they don't reasonably expect people to finish and do well. Maybe they just expect us to do the best that we can and hope that it's enough to get a 75? I know on REG I didn't finish or even attempt the last two SIMs and still passed (because I was super confident of the answers that I did fill in). So I feel like a right answer is double the points or something…

    Also agree on the question asking you to use the codification. I could not find it anywhere in the codes. First time ever that has happened to me! I hope they see that a lot of people didn't find it and throw it out!


    I think you can never go into these exams thinking what topics you could expect more questions about because they can throw questions from left field and you are screwed. I realized that you have to know everything but then at the same time your brain can only remember so much. I took my exam in October and waiting for the score release (which is today). My exam did not had anything that I did not study but SIMS were long with so many documents to read. Hoping to pass but I know i failed, will find out tonight!!!!!

    FAR - August 2016
    AUD - September 2016
    REG - October 2016
    BEC - November 2016

    Remember: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein


    Took the exam on Nov. 23rd, and have my fingers crossed for tomorrow morning. I studied hard for about 2 months and didn't touch SIMs at all, mainly because I had taken FAR before. I wouldn't say the SIMs were hard as much as they were just confusing. I knew the answers and understood the concept but got confused in how to put the information into the boxes. So I guess practicing more SIMs is a must for future exams.

    FAR - 78*
    AUD - 66, 79
    REG - 73, 76
    BEC - 79


    Took FAR yesterday 12/10.

    Honestly have no clue how I did. So, I'm thinking I bombed it… like 60. I can't even remember what was on MCQ.. not a good sign.

    Also, one of the testlets asked for a journal entry and I clicked “none” which I'm certain was incorrect. Without revealing contents, one of the testlets completely blew me away… truly had no clue and did not see that sort of concept or thought activity in any of the material.

    Just sigh.

    FAR is my last one and I have a shot to pass it still in January. If not, I lose REG. All I can do is continue to read and study but certainly have anticipation for the score release. Really hope I didn't bomb it atrociously. December 19th can't come soon enough….


    @Pleasebeover I totally feel you. Im in the same situation. Nothing I can do now until 19th. Hopefully we can pass…


    @pleasebeover @crownvetch I feel the exact same way. This is my retake from September and I walked out feeling like I got hit by a bus. So many random MCQ questions with too many exceptions and the SIMs were unreal. I didn't even find my research question! Frustrating because I was trending so well and studied like a mad person but oh well.

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