99.5% Sure I Failed FAR

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  • #3312133

    I took FAR yesterday… I studied close to 200 hours and the MCQs beat me up pretty good. I hate doing SIMs, but after the MCQs I was relieved to get there. The first 2 SIMs were not bad. After that it went downhill. Most of the SIMs were over topics I was expecting, but because of how involved they were I know I didn’t do well. There were 2 that I was actually able to verify i didn’t get the final answers correct. There was 1 that I could see was a very simple topic, but just forgot how to do it. I stared at it for like 20 minutes and just had to move on. Put in some answers and moved forward. It was probably just as good as leaving it blank. So basically, a half dozen MCQs I had to guess on, 3 SIMS I KNOW I didn’t do right, and the others I just hope for partial credit. I was so disappointed! Does anyone think there’s hope?

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  • #3312142

    I took it quite some time ago (2013-2014), but when I took FAR it felt like I was completely guessing at almost every single question and walked out of the testing area with something like an hour and half left on my time – got a perfect 75. You've definitely got at least some hope!

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 72; 87
    REG - 64; 74; 84
    BEC - 88


    Hold Steady

    I took FAR last fall and felt the same way. Half a dozen guesses isn't bad compared to how I felt walking out. I also had to just throw down some numbers on the SIMS. I passed with a 78.


    There is always hope – score release is coming. What will you do till then? I always kept reviewing the section until I got my score. You?

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I took it last Wednesday and only have to wait until tomorrow for the score. I decided to completely take a break this time around until I know. It’s only a week.


    Well, you never know until you know. I had that same feeling but ended up passing nicely. Everyone’s situation is different, but my advice is to overcome the internal attitude to just “take the hit and get it over with” during the exam. In other words, use the time on the SIMs to keep pondering until you get everything right that you know how it should be. You can’t do that so much on MCQs.
    What I mean is, let’s say you have a consolidation problem. You know eliminations should zero out and there should be no equity from the sub, but it just isn’t working. You’re tempted to say “screw it, I got most of it” and submit, kind of like you do in the study programs. If you do that on the real exam, you leave some easy points on the table. Just keep re-reading and rethinking while you have the time. Bits and pieces appear and you collect some annoying but easy points. Every little bit scraped up now avoids the pain and time of a re-take.


    @R116 Did you get your score? Please let us know how you did.


    I got an 85! I was not exaggerating at all when I was saying I was sure I failed. I never felt so defeated academically before.


    Great, congratulations! I'm glad you were in the .005% club and not the 99.5% club, lol. I had a feeling you passed. It is very common to feel that way walking out of the exam. For all those studying, keep that in mind and don't let self doubt defeat you during the exam. Good luck on the rest of your studies and keep your chin up.


    happy to see you passed it, far has a way of discouraging you walking out finding out a week or two later you passed. i was nearly in tears after i took it and your testing experience sounds similar to mine


    I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. I've been in your shoes before. It's a terrible feeling, isn't it? You put in all that hard work and you studied for hours on end, and it still wasn't enough. I know you're thinking what's the point? Why even bother trying again? But you have to believe in yourself. You can do this. I know you can. Just pick yourself up and dust yourself off and try again. Remember, failing is not the end of the world. It's just a speed bump on the road to success. So don't give up! You'll get there eventually. Just keep pushing forward and never give up on your dreams!

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    This sentence is a disclaimer emphasizing that the content of this post should not be relied upon for accuracy, and is only for entertainment purposes.


    Wow, it sounds like you really went through a tough time with the FAR exam. I’m planning to take it soon, and your experience has me both nervous and prepared for what’s coming. 200 hours of studying is a lot, and it’s disheartening to hear that the MCQs were that challenging. From what I’ve read, many people feel the same way after taking the exam, and sometimes the results are better than expected. I hope I can get through it.

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