Wiley Being Exceptionally Slow & Buggy Today

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    Anyone else having trouble? I chatted with support and my guess is the bugs I’m seeing are due to them going from the tabs up top to now being displayed on the side. They said there’s nothing they can do and that the tabs on the side are here to stay.

    Only 3 more weeks of dealing with the buggy system that is Wiley! Good riddance.


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  • #1657400

    Yes I have been having trouble with the Wiley site as well. I see that you have had much success while using Wiley. I'm at the beginning of my journey and curious your approach with Wiley. How has your actual exams scoring been in comparison to the practice exams with Wiley? Want to know if I can use the practice exams as a reliable source for determining that I'm ready. My intention is to follow the exam plan and take notes. I will only watch the videos if I need additional understanding.


    For FAR I'd recommend the videos. Pam Smith does a great job of giving examples and giving you stuff that will actually drive home the material.
    AUD & REG I would not recommend the videos as the instructors either repeat what's in the book (verbatim in cases) or there's no value add to them in my experience. BEC I haven't used the videos either because I don't like the instructors.

    I try to leave 10-14 days to review each section and just bang away at MCQ's and study the topics I struggle with in the assessments.

    Overall I'd highly recommend Wiley. What's frustrating about the software is that there's a lot of cleanup they can do (repeated questions, flat out wrong questions, SIMs that are really specific with rules that grade a right answer wrong, etc) that would make it an exceptional software for the exam.


    I'm currently waiting for an AUD section to load. About 5 minutes of waiting….



    Thank you for taking the time to respond. I was wondering could you provide insight on your practice test scores vs actual? Can I rely on what I score with Wiley’s practice exams to determine I’m ready?


    @for I ended up scoring much higher on the test. There's several reasons for it, but the biggest is that the SIMs in Wiley are very “touchy” in that you don't get partial credit that you will get on the exam. They don't give clear instructions like you get on the exam. For example if you type in a negative number -100 instead of (100) Wiley will mark it wrong. On the exam it won't let you type in a “-” or an error message will pop up.

    I think for FAR I avg ~78-80 on those two Test exams. AUD was worse ~75. REG I was actually good on the practice exams because the SIMs were easier so probably ~80 bc the MCQ's on business law are brutally hard. Good luck.


    Yeah I agree, Wiley sims are terrible if you want to get a legitimate idea of your grade. For example: just did an AUD sim where you had to compute a couple ratios and enter the percentages as .10 instead of 10% (the exact example they used). My answer was 60%, so I enter .60 and it's wrong because the correct answer is “.6”

    There are a lot of things I don't like about Wiley, but their material is good nonetheless.


    @Bourne Yep. Exactly. As I've said before on here: if they just had one of their employees go through the modules and questions like their candidates they could improve their system a ton. SIMs like that are common. The only SIMs that I think are truly worthy of practicing before test day (other then in REG which actually had some good one's) are the DRS SIMs where you pick from a drop down of 5 different answers. Those you'll see on test day, other than that it's a big waste of time.

    UPDATE this morning from Wiley: Still slow and still doesn't work properly. UGH!


    @RyonT if it doesn't load after 20 seconds it's not going to load. I once took a 70 question practice from the test bank and upon submitting lost all of them! That was fun.

    I normally just click on a different website and go back to my Wiley bookmark. It usually loads fine after that.


    Sounds like you guys could use some supplement materials to keep the studying moving. It is very aggravating to have to depend on customer service before you can keep studying.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    UPDATE: Doesn't work at all now. Trying to contact support w limited success. What a joke, thank god my test isn't this weekend.


    I just got off the phone with tech support. The only response they could give me is that they would send me an email when they were up and running again. When I asked if it was possibly a day or more, her response was “I'd hope not more than a week” 1,400 plus dollars and it doesn't work…smh


    It's back to working but not functioning properly (for example I can't click on “retake incomplete” after an assessment without getting timed out. Just have to keep reloading the page and going back through). I'm sure this will be a fun weekend on Wiley!


    I just got the email from Wiley. They said it was working. It still won't load for me. I renewed my Ninja mcq last week. Guess I'll just start with that.


    I was studying Thursday night and all of a sudden it quit working. Now I woke up at 6 this morning to study and it's the same crap again. I'm rather frustrated. 🙁


    I just called their tech support number 1-844-300-4853 and ripped the representative a new one. She basically said they're working on it and apologized. I asked how I'm supposed to study for my exam I have Monday and she couldn't tell me. I asked for a refund because I've never had a software that has this many issues and she said that's a different department that isn't open on the weekends. How ridiculous.

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