How to study with Wiley and NINJA

  • Creator
  • #3225641

    Hey Everybody,

    I am wondering if anybody here has passed using Wiley and NINJA. Any tips or study plans would be great.


    BEC: Need to pass, lost creedit.
    FAR: Need to pass. MY MOUNT EVEREST
    Reg: Need to pass, lost creedit.
    AUD:  Need to pass, lost creedit.

    BEC: 75 lost credit, could not pass far 🙁
    AUD: 76 lost credit could not pass far 🙁
    FAR: 74, FML. Next exam 06/14/23
    REG: 75 lost credit could not pass far 🙁

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  • Author
  • #3225731

    This may help:

    Wiley + NINJA

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 76
    REG - 92

    I didn't find the textbook to be that useful. The Wiley testbank is okay. I mainly use it for the sim. The only part that I like was that I can open up a testlet and then go offline. So I can continue to do questions while I'm on the train underground. So when I am back on the ground with data I can press sumbit and it will work. I literally study everywhere. Their sims are good.

    I like the NINJA MCQ better. There's more variety. I usually do Wiley on my way to work and then NINJA at home.

    NY - CPA

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.


    I used both Ninja and Wiley…I watch the wiley videos and then do the assessment at the end, during the week. On the weekends I listen to Jeff audios and videos and then jump into the Ninja MCQ. Ninja MCQ will prepare you well for the exam if you put in the work.

    AUD - 82
    BEC - 84
    FAR - 76
    REG - 81
    AICPA Ethics Exam- 91

    I CAN & I DID


    I am not good at taking notes, should I copy the ninja notes and continue to use Wiley for regular study. Or do I have to make up my own notes?

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