Giving away Wiley Test Bank 2018

  • Creator
  • #1693400

    I’m not sure how this goes but… I am giving away my access to Wiley Test Bank 2018 with renewal access…it last until December 2019.

    I plan on studying with Gleim for everything, and I thought it would help someone who needs the test bank more than I do….

    It is in electronic format and used.

    Please let me know you’d like it and how it would benefit you. What is your CPA exam story?

    Thank you and be blessed!

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  • Author
  • #1693423

    I would like access. I failed FAR with a 61 last time around.

    AUD - 78
    BEC - 78
    FAR - 85
    REG - 83
    So glad to have my life back!

    I would like it for AUD. I used Wiley for FAR but can’t use it for AUD due to cost.


    Can I have a copy of the material? How can we get it? Thanks! I already graduated with enough credits but my firm doesn't sponsor our fees.


    I would like access. I failed FAR with 74.

    Thread closed – please read the forum rules:

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    – Mod NINJAs

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