Ninja Plus question

  • Creator
  • #2907453

    NINJA Question –

    Are the Hot Spot videos just an updated (for 2015 at least) version of the non-hot spot videos? There’s about 24 hours total worth of lectures and it would save a ton of time to skip duplicates. But I’m worried about missing something.

    Audit Reports (117:20)
    Special Purpose Reports (37:45)
    Attestation Engagements (32:22)
    Internal Control (119:15)
    Audit Evidence (148:02)
    Governmental Auditing (13:03)
    Audit Sampling (43:48)
    Auditing IT (12:13)
    Auditing Ethics (28:06)
    Hot Spot – Audit Reports (123:19)
    Hot Spot – Internal Control (140:37)
    Hot Spot – Audit Evidence (195:59)
    Hot Spot – Audit Sampling (137:44)
    Hot Spot – Auditing Standards (187:37)
    Hot Spot – Other Reports (66:48)
    Hot Spot – Professional Responsibilities (109:24)
    Hot Spot – SIM Strategies (143:50)

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  • Author
  • #2907600

    They were recorded same year – different recordings/performances … if I were to pick one, I'd go with “Plus” (aka non-hot spot)

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 76
    REG - 92
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