NINJA CPA Community - Page 4

  • This topic has 61 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by jeff.
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  • #3307220

    Welcome to the NINJA CPA Review Community. Introduce yourself and what CPA Exam section you’re studying for.

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  • #3310804
    Stephen Kofa

    Best of luck Heather. Make sure you know how to find the answer(s) to the research question(s) in the sims. It was the key to my passing of FAR.

    Mack Tyson

    Passing Audit with 3 weeks study time? Doable?


    @Stephen Kofa

    I think since I had already taken a look at FAR/AUD material, BEC seemed like it would be easier since it was less content. That definitely helped me to mentally prepare. In addition, I collected study notes that were posted by others in the Becker Facebook group and tailored them to my liking and used those as my notes which saved me time from taking my own. I also focused a lot on the writing piece by looking at the videos within Becker and their explanations for how to best write out an answer.

    Not sure if you're using another resource to study but hope that helps!

    Stephen Kofa

    I agree with the writing part, that's one area I have been struggling because I don't leave sufficient time to answer the written portion of the test. I am trying to work on that. Thanks for the tips.


    Hi Stephen,
    I'm currently studying for the FAR exam, and it's my first exam too. I'll start focusing on the research questions, like you suggested.


    I'd love to try this. I currently open the file and let the audio play but then have to manually switch files to the next chapter while driving. I'm trying to sync the audio file but it says “No devices are currently available for syncing” Did you run into this problem?

    Ninja Albert


    depends if you already have taken AUD for me AUD was very critical thinking and knowing the content well and the AUD Cycle in side and out was needed to clear AUD. If you are studying day and night with breaks of course, It is doable and the only thing you will be losing is test fee. Because as long as you cleared one exam you don't want to miss a chance that you may pass at this score release, and after taking the exam you should continue to study or at least review the material till score release. That just me be cause I can't sit back and have a score release pass me while the 18 month clock is ticking.


    So you used Becker for BEC? Great advice by the way I didn’t even think about doing it that way. What about the Ninja CPA for the other three? How is that working for you? Are you using Becker as well or just Ninja? Thank you


    @Stephen Kofa
    How do I find the answers to the research questions on the SIMS? What do you mean by that please? I have not taken that exam at all yet. Any tips on it is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Stephen Kofa

    Heather, it’s a question that almost always comes up on sims part of FAR, where they ask you to cite the exact reference in FASB Accounting Standards Update (ASU) where a particular pronouncement or guidance is located. The reference has to be broken into area, topic, subtopic, and section. E.g. ASU 730-10-20-912, which talks about research and development by federal government contractors.

    You have to understand how to navigate through the authoritative literature that they provide to locate the reference. It’s easy, but if you don’t know how to do it, it can be frustrating and cost you easy but important points.

    Ninja Albert


    I would tell you to look/check out the AICPA practice exam on any section, and every section is different due to material and AL, and you can see exactly what @Stephen Kofa means and others.

    and yes it is easy and sometimes if missed will cost time and points on exam day for no reason at all so practice away.

    Check it out!!

    Stephen Kofa


    Yes, I used Becker for BEC – I don't recall using Ninja. As for the other sections, I am currently trying to figure out a solid plan but as of right now my plan is to use Becker for the lectures and MCQs and use Ninja for additional MCQs. Note taking will come from both sources between lectures notes and MCQ notes.

    Ninja Albert

    Have you every thought of using the Ninja Sparring, did that ever work for you? I hope on taking BEC next, I also have Beckers and ninja together, and Sparring helped me a lot.

    Ninja Albert

    any one here use rogers CPA with Ninja for BEC? Just took my REG exam and wanted to see if I should use both study courses together or NINJA will be just enough. (for REG used Becker and NINJA) wanted to see if BEC if I should switch gears to Roger/Yagers ect.?

    thanks for there input

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