NINJA CPA Community - Page 2

  • This topic has 61 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by jeff.
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  • #3307220

    Welcome to the NINJA CPA Review Community. Introduce yourself and what CPA Exam section you’re studying for.

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  • #3308690

    I applied for my NTS last week, and still haven't heard back– anyone else experiencing delays?

    Also- in the past, I've had no issues getting a test date that I wanted, and I saw that prometric is very booked this month– is anyone experiencing that in other locations as well? Or just my area?


    When I booked my FAR exam, it was October and there were only a handful of days in December available to choose from and even those only had one testing time as opposed to 2. So you’re not alone- everyone is probably trying to get their exams in prior to busy season.. just my guess. Good luck! I hope you’re able to get the date you want!


    I am starting with the AUD exam, need to pass all sections in the next 6 months. I'm using Becker and NINJA, and hoping to cover as much as I possibly can!!


    Good luck! That’s a quick turnaround

    Ninja Albert

    very quick turn around wish you luck let us know how it goes!!


    guys- anyone have tips on how to listen to the audio in the car? my phone (samsung) is soooo finicky with it! it constantly stops playing, i think it's when the screen times out, it stops playing the audio.


    I believe you can add it to your spotify

    Ninja Albert

    Want to hear some feedback on what to do when waiting for your score for the next week? if already cleared one exam and have 2 more after this one Im waiting for.??


    @Ninja Albert – Since it is only a week + 2 days before score release, I'm taking this week to catch up on things around the house, etc. I already ordered my book for my next section (I use Becker and Ninja), but I'm not studying yet until I know if I need to study again for FAR or I can move forward. That's just what I'm doing – just trying to take advantage of some “downtime” for the next week.


    omg i just figured the audio out– this is a GAME CHANGER… in settings in Spotify you have to select to show local files for any one wondering– wow.. i wish i knew this months ago!


    Salutations fellows! I'm currently studying for AUD and failed all four exams last year, with scores around the mid 60's. I was able to pass FAR this July with a 82–clock's ticking! I only use Ninja to study and have learned a lot from it so far. Happy holidays and good luck to ya'll, don't give up–it's worth it!

    Ninja Albert

    Asked @JKeff Elliott CPA and he said It might be a good idea for me to move on to REG and test beg of Jan Hoping I can make it will but some pressure on my self because Clock is ALWAYS ticking

    good luck hopefully we BOTH clear


    Hi everyone my name is Adam, I am currently using Becker + Ninja and studying for audit right now. I recently failed an exam so I think I am going to try taking it at the beginning of 2022. Look forward to hearing peoples tips and advice!

    Ninja Albert

    Hi good luck did you use the Sparring resources on NINja? That helped my score a lot, right now waiting for AUD score this week after 3 fails in the mid 70sss!

    good luck studying get those controls and procedures tied down.


    Hey Adam! Good luck with your exams! During the 3.5 hour drive getting to where I currently reside I listened to the Ninja Audio once through and I actually retained bits of it, which surprised me. I've only got a few more days left to study and have been using the cramming sessions and trying to get in as many MCQs as possible. I'm finishing up the sampling portion today and will work through one of the other sections, hopefully before 3 a.m.

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