NINJA CPA Community

  • This topic has 61 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by jeff.
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  • #3307220

    Welcome to the NINJA CPA Review Community. Introduce yourself and what CPA Exam section you’re studying for.

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  • #3307949

    Currently looking to take FAR as my first exam in January. Currently studying with Gleim and using Ninja to as a supplement for audio and sparing to fill in any missing gaps.


    Gleim and Ninja mcq’s are both good for telling you why the correct answer is right and the others are wrong. Read all of the answers to the mcq’s to grasp the concept and how the exam will test you. Remember you are studying the material that will be tested and how you will be tested. Work on both. Study to make 100 and set a goal of no retakes. Focus on the mcq’s and do the sims. Take a practice exam and the AICPA sample test for each section to prepare yourself. Don’t skip the govt and nonprofit lots of opportunities for exam points with those questions.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    @jyuki – welcome 🙂


    Hey All!

    I am currently using NINJA study material to take the BEC part of the exam. I graduated with a BBA in Accounting in 1994 and tried a few times to study and take the CPA exam. But, unfortunately, life just seemed to get in the way. My most recent attempt was in 2017. However, this time around, I am determined to complete all four exams successfully by the end of 2022 or even sooner by the summer of 2022. Thanks for reading my post.


    Hey everyone! I am currently using Ninja and Becker (my husband purchased it for me, he's so sweet). I tried passing the exam originally 7 years ago and family and life got in the way. Here I am now, fingers crossed going to pass by the end of 2022. The Ninja audio is what I listen to constantly and fall asleep to it (no, Jeff, I don't use it to put me to sleep, ha!) I secretly hope I'm gaining more knowledge if I listen to it while I sleep. Crazy – I know. I'm desperate people! 😀 Anyway, good luck to everyone! I take FAR a week from today and am SO nervous, but hopeful.


    Deborah, You are not alone. I have a 11 yr gap in order to start and devote to family. Starting out has been a slow process and feels like relearning everything. Ninja seems to be better at explaining concepts and the sparing sessions help if you need someone to ask. Good Luck!


    Oh, you are so kind! Thank you so much! This time we will both NINJA this exam! No more life getting in the way for me because I realize that life happens no matter what. There will never be the best time. Thanks for reading my response.

    Ninja Albert

    Hi everyone, using ninja and Beckers taking AUD this Monday, very up lifting don't give up we are all in this together!



    My name is Jaya and I am currently taking the NINJA FAR course. I am supplementing it with Becker at the moment! This is my very first week using NINJA and I am loving it so far. I am enjoying the NINJA Sparring Lessons in particular.

    Thank you for welcoming me into the group, looking forward to grow together!


    Good Luck Ninja Albert! Sending passing vibes your way!




    Hey HEY CPA Exam Warriors!!!

    Ninja has been my saving grace with getting the confidence to actually SIT for these exams! I took Becker review courses while getting my MBA (part of the MBA program) but did not follow-through and sit for any of the exams (this is back in 2015). I tried to start studying again with Becker in 2016 but again lacked confidence and did not think I would be able to do it. Well I started a new job at an amazing company and after a LOT of going back-and-forth I decided to just bite the bullet. Ninja was recommended to me by a few of my co-workers so I decided to take FAR first (the BEAST). I was SHOCKED when I passed first try. I was MOTIVATED! I decided to tackle AUD next and became a statistic – I failed my first attempt with a 71. I had not tried the Sparring part of the Ninja program so I decided for my re-take studying I was going to go through those replays and BOY….NINJA Mike is AMAZING! I was confident walking into the testing center and passed with an 85 on my retake!! I am currently losing motivation while studying for BEC…I don't know if it's the holidays or what but I need a kick in the behind! My plan is to take REG after busy season and FINALLY get to put those 3 letters after my name!

    If anyone has motivation tips PLEASE send me ALL of them!!

    Cheers Ninjas!!

    Ninja Albert

    the motivation is already in your comment. passing the two hardest you should be motivated by just seeing the two passing scores! I would just dive in and not waste any time..! you can do it

    what did you do after filing AUD with a 71 that made you pass?

    I have been struggling and still am for AUD scored 73, 73, and 71….

    thanks in advance for the tips.


    You have a remarkable story that is motivational in itself. You are halfway there. Keep pushing. Remember, motivation is like taking a shower-you need to do it every 24hours (well, my teenage son thinks every two weeks, lol)
    Keep striving! I am proud of your success!

    Ninja Albert

    thank you good luck to you as well take it one chapter/topic at a time and it will all come together and make sense!

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