Giveaway Wednesday! – 5 Winners (Wiley + NINJA Notes, Flashcards, Audio) - Page 5

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  • #168551

    Happy Birthday to me (and

    We turn 34 and 4, respectively.

    We have 300 and 10,500 friends on Facebook, respectively.

    We are teaming up to give away gifts for our collective birthdays.

    5 Winners and each will receive:

    Wiley Test Bank, NINJA Notes, NINJA Flashcards, and NINJA Audio – for the section of your choice.

    How to Enter:

    Post in this thread:

    -What study materials you’re using

    -What exams you’re taking in April/May, and

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    That’s it! Winners will be chosen randomly … announcement at 5pm EST today.

    Good Luck!

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  • Author
  • #334712

    What study materials you're using

    Becker, Gleim Wiley and NINJA Notes

    What exams you're taking in April/May

    REG and FAR

    Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Reviewing notes, using NINJA notes, working multiple choice questions and I plan to study 15-20 hours a week.


    I am using Becker and Wiley test bank. Have used the same for all sections.

    I will be taking REG, my last on 4/29/12.

    My plan of attack:

    Phase 1 – watch Becker's lectures, read the book and write notes in the process

    – work Becker's MCQ's and 2 progress test every week

    Phase 2 – 3 weeks for final review: re-write notes, Wiley test bank MCQ's and more MCQ's until they make me sick!!!

    Happy B-day!!!! My nephew is 24 today…10 and 20 years appart from another71's celebrations 😉

    Done 😉
    Class of 2012!!!!
    Lots of prayers and hard work....


    Happy Birthday to BOTH of you !!

    -What study materials you're using

    Yaeger home study, Wiley Test Bank

    -What exams you're taking in April/May

    FAR (pass-I am done, fail- lose my BEC)

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Take notes when watching lectures, MCQ MCQ MCQ, also keep flipping back to my notes


    Taking REG in May.

    I am currently using CPAExcel, Ninja notes and flashcards, and Wiley books.

    I have been doing the sections assigned in CPAExcel during the day and reading the Ninja notes and flashcards in the evenings. I plan on using the Wiley books for questions closer to my exam.

    This is my third attempt at REG. I passed the other three sections with only the Wiley books, so I am hoping that the supplemental material will help me pass this last one. I hope to get it done this quarter or I lose my AUD.


    -What study materials you're using

    Wiley/Ninja Notes

    -What exams you're taking in April/May,


    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Taking notes, making flashcards, and a healthy dose of MCQ's

    AUD - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    REG - Passed



    Happy Birthday!!

    -What study materials you're using

    Becker and NINJA

    -What exams you're taking in April/May

    REG 4.23.12 (pass-I am done, fail- lose my BEC)

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Watch Becker lectures, study lecture notes, review ninja and answer MCQs.

    AUD – 84 1.3.12

    FAR – 80 11.30.11

    BEC – 75 11.6.10

    REG 4.23.12


    Happy Birthday!!!!

    -What study materials you're using

    CPAExcel, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja Notes

    -What exams you're taking in April/May

    REG and FAR

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Going through CPAExcel lectures and taking notes, doing MCQs, reading ninja notes and going through flashcards on the phone whenever I have a chance

    REG 88 (5/5/12)
    BEC 84 (5/26/12)
    FAR 82 (7/7/12)
    AUD 92 (7/14/12) - Done! 🙂

    Part 1 - 5/30/2015 - 440
    Part 2 - 10/31/2015 - 380 - Done! 🙂


    Everyone who wished me Happy Birthday gets 4 entries. (I kid!)

    I just bought myself the new Asics Cirrus33 for my bday even though I'm not a runner – unless running from the cops counts. (I kid! I kid!)


    What study materials you're using

    Becker and possibly Wiley Test Bank and Ninja Notes

    What exams you're taking in April/May


    Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for Passing in Q2.

    Listening to all lectures during early morning sessions, relistening in the car to and from work , and then MCQs on my computer and IPHONE.

    AUD 84 (AUG-11)
    BEC 81 (OCT-11)
    REG 87 (FEB-12)
    FAR 81 (MAY-12)


    Happy birthday!

    -I am currently using Becker (online, which has now turned into self study)

    -I am taking what will hopefully be my last test. It will be attempt 3 at FAR

    -My study plan this time is to really hammer MCQ and flash cards. I have been through the Becker lectures for FAR twice now and feel like I really need to get more serious about learning from the questions. Hopefully I win the Wiley test bank and get some new material to work with!

    REG - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed



    -What study materials you're using

    Becker & Wiley

    -What exams you're taking in April/May, and


    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Do thousands of MCQs and understand them

    F: 54 (4/13) 60 (4/14) 67 (9/14) 66 (10/14) 63 (11/15) 79 (2/16) PASSED
    A: 60 (5/13) 80 (4/16) PASSED
    R: 60 (7/13) 61 (2/15) 70 (4/15) 77 (7/15) PASSED
    B: (6/16)


    -What study materials you're using


    -What exams you're taking in April/May, and


    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2

    watch videos, practice multiple choice questions over and over, Ninja notes



    -What study materials you're using


    -What exams you're taking in April/May

    Far & Reg

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    II went through FAR for the 4th time now………. I hope to get more questions to work on

    Practice Practice and Practice……


    Happy B-day!!

    -What study materials you're using?

    Becker, Ninja Notes, and CPAreviewforfree

    -What exams you're taking in April/May?


    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2

    I have watched all of the videos, taken notes over the entire book (including ancillary material). I reinforce the concepts by running the lectures on my laptop while I am at work. I have read the Ninja notes a few times. I have also worked a few hundred MCQ's, I write out the answers to the ones that I get wrong or don't understand.. My final few weeks I will review all of my notes, take the final exams, and pound out MCQ's especially in my weak areas!!

    AUD - Oct 2011 - 79
    BEC - Feb 2012 - 84 (seriously thought I failed this one)
    REG - May 2012 - 84 ( they actually grade the SIMS???)
    FAR - Aug 2012 - 80

    I must be dreaming.... am I really done!!!


    -What study materials you're using

    CPA Excel

    Wiley Test Bank

    Ninja Flashcards

    Accounting Information Seminars

    -What exams you're taking in April/Mar

    BEC – 4/2/2012

    AUD – 5/12/2012

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2

    – Do the entire lesson on CPA Excel for each section.

    – then do ALL of the M/C questions again one time through

    – then do ALL of the Flashcards for Ninja Assasin

    – then do ALL the M/C questions for Wiley Test Bank twice

    – then go to Accounting Information Seminar week prior to sitting for AUD (Not for BEC)

    Bec - 66, 71
    Aud - 73

    Going to enjoy some of the summer and retake both in August since my clock hasn't started ticking yet.

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