Giveaway Wednesday! – 5 Winners (Wiley + NINJA Notes, Flashcards, Audio) - Page 3

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  • #168551

    Happy Birthday to me (and

    We turn 34 and 4, respectively.

    We have 300 and 10,500 friends on Facebook, respectively.

    We are teaming up to give away gifts for our collective birthdays.

    5 Winners and each will receive:

    Wiley Test Bank, NINJA Notes, NINJA Flashcards, and NINJA Audio – for the section of your choice.

    How to Enter:

    Post in this thread:

    -What study materials you’re using

    -What exams you’re taking in April/May, and

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    That’s it! Winners will be chosen randomly … announcement at 5pm EST today.

    Good Luck!

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 76
    REG - 92
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  • Author
  • #334682

    -What study materials I'm using

    Roger, NINJA, & Wiley

    -What exams I'm taking in April/May,

    BEC in April & FAR in May


    -My overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2


    Happy Birthday Jeff and!!!!

    Started sitting in May 2002, on and off. But since 2008 I've been nonstop and my scores are....
    AUD - 39, 48, 56, 65, 68, 73, 76!!! (Finally passed in Oct 2011!!!) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    REG - 75 (Lost Credit) 72, 68, 73, 75 (Passed again in Aug 2011) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    FAR - 65, 68, 75 (Lost Credit) 68, 73, 73, 80 (Passed again in May 2012) Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    BEC - 65, 68, 71, 72, 72, 71, 76 (Lost Credit)- 70, 76!!!! I AM DONE!!! - Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    After 10 long years of studying, I AM DONE!!!! Finally a Licensed CPA in the State of New York!!


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Eat lots of cake!

    -What study materials you're using

    Wiley text and test bank (both 2012)

    -What exams you're taking in April/May

    Far in April. This is my last section. I failed Far with a 71 in Feb, so I just need a few more points!

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    MCQ over and over and over and over….especially in the areas that I was weak in.


    -What study materials you're using?


    -What exams you're taking in April/May?

    BEC in May.

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    I'm a newbie but I plan to listen to lectures, MULTIPLE CHOICE questions, re-writing my notes, and flash cards!


    -What study materials you're using

    I am using CPAExcel, Wiley Test Bank, and for BEC, the Wiley book as well.

    -What exams you're taking in April/May, and

    Only taking BEC this window, but will take FAR in the next.

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Studying. I know that sounds simple, but you just have to put in the time. I'll do the same thing for BEC that I did for REG – take notes, make flashcards, do MCQs, take notes from the MCQ answers, then go back and re-study my weak areas. I will repeat this 5000 times until I am sick of it, and hopefully get another 89. 😉

    REG - 89
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 87
    AUD - 81
    Used CPAexcel, Wiley Online Practice, and NINJA!


    -What study materials you're using

    using CPAexcel, Ninja notes

    -What exams you're taking in April/May, and

    taking FAR on Apr 4, and AUD on May31

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Go through all material and watch videos, and do MC questions. Use Ninja notes along side CPAexcel materials to highlight important topics. Go through CPAexcel flashcards. Repeat MC questions and then repeat again!

    TX Hoodlette

    -What study materials you're using


    -What exams you're taking in April/May


    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Multiple Choice X 100 – I too often get stuck on details and analyze too far into a question. I think the multiple choice practice in the Wiley books will help me to focus on specifics without letting me analyze too much! I'm also planning to re-write my notes from my first FAR attempt.


    -What study materials you're using?

    Wiley study and Yaeger

    -What exams you're taking in April/May?

    FAR in May

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2?

    Spending 3 hours every night getting through the Yaeger videos (2 more Yaeger videos) then do 1 month of MCQ's from the Wiley test bank. In my spare time I will be reviewing the Yaeger handout and reviewing flash cards and notes.


    Post in this thread:

    -What study materials you're using–Wiley book, Wiley test bank, Becker Audio

    -What exams you're taking in April/May,–AUD in early April, BEC in late May

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.–do questions in Wiley book, take notes in excel, Wiley test bank questions, listen to Becker audio in car on the way to and from work, review, and pass exam.


    -What study materials you're using

    I am currently using…all the MCQs they have available with the supplemental questions and notes. I'm also using Jeff's NINJA notes and the Wiley online test bank.

    -What exams you're taking in April/May, and

    I'm taking REG on 4/17; and then will schedule BEC and take it towards the end of May

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Since this is the 6th time I'll be taking REG, I am doing nothing but MCQs and Sims and for every one I get wrong, I write up a flashcard and study that flashcard.

    Texas CPA - licensed in 2012!!!


    -What study materials you're using?

    Becker live, Wiley books, NINJA notes

    -What exams you're taking in April/May?

    BEC early April, FAR late April, AUD mid May.

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2?

    Go to class tuesday and thursday. Keep up with home works. Review becker books and take notes in the NINJA notes. Then review Wiley the week before each test.

    Reg - 2/24/12 passed
    BEC - 4/3/12 passed
    FAR - round 2 7/1/12 passed
    AUD - round 2 11/01/12

    Using Becker, wiley, and NINJA.


    -What study materials you're using?

    Yaeger, Ninja notes and Wiley test bank

    -What exams you're taking in April/May?

    AUD and REG on April!!

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2?

    Go through video lectures (almost done) and MCQ all the way!

    read ninja when I have spare time


    -What study materials you're using

    Wiley Book, Test Bank, & Ninja

    -What exams you're taking in April/May


    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Taking notes on the book, MCQ's, notes on incorrect MCQ's, re-write of Ninja.

    BEC - 81 (Nov 2011)
    FAR - 87 (May 2012)(Skipped 1st window)
    AUD - 80 (Aug 2012)
    REG - 81 (Nov 2012)


    – What study materials you're using

    Using ExamMatrix, Ninja Notes

    -What exams you're taking in April/May, and

    Taking AUD and BEC

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    MCQ's! Notes, MCQ's….

    FAR - 78 Exam Matrix
    AUD - (67) - 79 Exam Matrix
    REG - (74) (72) - 82 (Exam Matrix for the first 2 times) Roger CPA for the 3rd time
    BEC - (72) (73)- Retook 4/29 (Exam Matrix the 1st time) Roger CPA for the 2nd and 3rd


    -What study materials you're using

    Becker, Ninja Notes/Flashcards and Wiley MCQ's

    -What exams you're taking in April/May

    BEC 4/21 originally 4/1 but didnt want to set my self up for failure

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    NINJA Study Plan, Becker Review (lectures, flashcards, MCQ's and 100 million times over again….except on the lectures!! Also bought the Wiley BEC App for IPad. I really love it. Try to get it in any and everywhere possible.


    -What study materials you're using

    CPAexcel and Ninja notes

    -What exams you're taking in April/May


    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Study study study, and use the NINJA Study Plan!

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