Giveaway Wednesday! – 5 Winners (Wiley + NINJA Notes, Flashcards, Audio)

  • Creator
  • #168551

    Happy Birthday to me (and

    We turn 34 and 4, respectively.

    We have 300 and 10,500 friends on Facebook, respectively.

    We are teaming up to give away gifts for our collective birthdays.

    5 Winners and each will receive:

    Wiley Test Bank, NINJA Notes, NINJA Flashcards, and NINJA Audio – for the section of your choice.

    How to Enter:

    Post in this thread:

    -What study materials you’re using

    -What exams you’re taking in April/May, and

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    That’s it! Winners will be chosen randomly … announcement at 5pm EST today.

    Good Luck!

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  • Author
  • #334652

    -What study materials you're using

    Becker & Ninja

    -What exams you're taking in April/May


    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.



    -What study materials you're using


    -What exams you're taking in April/May


    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    NINJA Study Plan!


    -What study materials you're using

    Becker + Wiley

    -What exams you're taking in April/May

    Far, Reg

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Non-stop MCQ!


    What study materials you're using -Becker!

    -What exams you're taking in April/May- BEC!

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.- View lectures ONCE, practice A MILLION multiple choice questions, AND write my notes until my fingers hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I'm pumped to take AUD April 23rd. I'm using Yaeger home study. I used Yaeger to kick REG in the face last quarter.

    My study plan consists of:

    watching videos

    taking notes

    studying acronyms

    answering lots of multiple choice

    answering simulations

    studying acronyms

    rewriting my notes

    answering lots of multiple choice

    studying acronyms

    all while limiting my studying to a max of 25 hours per week. I have found that is about the most time I can study and still absorb most of the information except for the week that I will spend rewriting my notes. I passed this test the first time I took it, but lost credit.


    Becker, BEC/FAR,

    The strategy for BEC is to memorize as many formulas as possible, but also know the situations when you should use the formulas. On test day, I plan to spend most of the “instructions” time to write down as much information on my scratch paper as possible!

    Best of luck everyone!

    B - 77
    A - 72, 74, 74
    R - 88
    F - 61


    -What study materials you're using

    Becker & Ninja & Wiley TB

    -What exams you're taking in April/May

    REG & FAR

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    For REG, reading each chapter in Becker Book, MCQS until I vomit, Re-writing/Reading several times Ninja Notes

    FAR-Passed (I AM DONE!!! THANK U LORD!!!!)
    Licensed Texas CPA - 10/2012


    One of the five winners should be chosen by highest number of HiYahs!


    -What study materials you're using


    -What exams you're taking in April/May

    AUD – April 5

    FAR – May 31

    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2.

    Pre-read each Becker chapter before the class, watch each online lecture before the class, re-write each lecture (focus points) before the class, attend each class, do the homework/sims for each section…and then repeat for final review.

    REG (2/24/12) - 89
    AUD (4/5/12) - 89
    FAR (5/31/12) - 91
    BEC (7/7/12) - 84


    -What study materials you're using:

    2011 Becker materials- in need of new ones!!!

    -What exams you're taking in April/May:

    April 20- AUD, REG end of May


    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2:

    My plan is to re-read the book and then do as many MCQ's up until the date of the exam. This is the last time I take these tests!!!


    -What study materials you're using

    Wiley and Becker

    -What exams you're taking in April/May


    -Describe your overall study/exam plan of attack for PASSING in Q2

    Supplement Becker with Wiley test bank.

    B 11/12 - 77
    A 4/12 - 74; 5/12 - 90
    R 9/12 - 88
    F 12/11 - 88


    I am taking REG and I'm using Exam Matrix and Ninja notes, audio and flashcards to get me past it!

    I've just started studying, trying to get back into the ‘study mode' and it's not working real well as of yet. I think I need to set a specific study schedule to follow…but I do know rewriting the notes helps as does constantly doing MCQ's.


    Happy Birthday to you!

    Materials: I'm using the Becker Review system and so far it has been pretty good. I could use a little extra help though! 🙂

    Exams: I'm taking FAR at the end of May…last one! Fingers crossed!

    Study Plan: Kick this tests butt so that I don't have to ever think about it again! (And do lots of multiple choice. 🙂 )


    @pooh bear – Make sure you dont time out while writing down those formulas. I think you only have like 10 minutes. Hard to keep track when you are regurgitating formulas. Just be careful!


    Using Becker, Wiley Test Bank, Roger CRAM, NINJA Notes

    REG in April

    FAR last day of the window in May

    I'm getting this thing done in Q2.

    Tons of MCQ

    Making sure I understand my weaker areas.

    Taking a live Becker Live Final Review for REG

    The NINJA approach.

    FAR - 68, 79
    AUD - 82
    REG - 71, 71, 80
    BEC - 76

    Part 1: October 2013
    Part 2: January 2014

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