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  • #1715393


    If you are using Gleim CPA Review for FAR –

    1. How many quizzes per chapter are you studying?
    2. How many sims per chapter are you studying?
    3. If you have taken FAR already using Gleim recently – Did you find it very helpful?


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  • #1715432

    I followed the gleim system. I did MCQ's and sims until it said I was done with the section and then I went on to the next one. Yes, I think their system is pretty good. I like having the structure to follow.


    I actually just hit submit for every quiz without answering them (4 to 5 quizzes and 3 sims for each unit) to see the solutions and learn how to work it and move on. I feel like I save time this way and then once I am done with all 20 units I can practice those questions.


    WOW @ your FAR score!!



    A better way to practice MCQs in Gleim is to use the study session mode, as you get immediate feedback for your wrong answers, instead of at the end of the quiz. You can also customize the parameters of the questions you see.

    My method for REG (which I'm continuing for FAR) was to study the MCQs until I knew them cold, and then blast through the quizzes. Once I got through all the SU's and did the practice exam, I practiced SIMS ad nauseam in quiz mode and did 20 question MCQ study sessions.

    I also made flashcards, and made a list of mnemonics. About a week before the exam, I went through all the NINJA MCQs as well, making sure that I hit all the questions at least once.

    There is nothing wrong with the adaptive learning system, I just prefer to grind out as many questions as possible.


    I honestly did not even know about the study session mode. I will look into that. Oh I also totally forgot about the parameters.

    For each unit I literally go through 4-5 quizzes by just ending it (dont work on it at all) to view the answers. So as you know by the 5th quiz most of the questions I know how to do due to previous ones. Not sure if the program is thinking I don't know how to do them so keeps giving similar ones (or exact ones), or it's just running out of new type of questions.


    I'm huge fan of Gleim. However, I don't really like the new system. I got stuck on a chapter for days until they thought I did well enough to mark it as complete. Now I am just doing the study sessions. At least this way I can get through more topics.

    BEC -69, 69
    REG -77 (expired), 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - 65, 67



    That is exactly why I don't wait for their approval of moving on to next chapter. I just scan through 4-5 quizzes per chapter and make sure I know how to do them all 100% and 3 SIMS per chapter as well. I am on chapter 12 now. After I finish all 20 of them I will practice all the chapter quizzes/sims that i looked at. Then of course take the test and work on new questions.


    I agree with you guys on that. I've only had the issue once though where it wouldn't let me go to the next section even though I felt like I knew the material well enough to move on. But I've talked to Gleim counselors several times and told them they need to give people the ability to override the system and mark a section complete. I still think the system is really good, overall, though.



    I feel like if I understand the units very well and know how to do the MCQ – Then the sims look pretty simple BUT need a lot of time to practice.

    You have taken the FAR, how do you feel the SIMS compare for Gleim to the real tests?


    The sims on the real test, on average, have a lot more documents to review. Other than that they are pretty similar.



    Appreciate your help!


    Would've never pass without Gleim. Worked the sims and MCQ to death is what did it for me on my second attempt. The real exam sims are a bit more longer than Gleim. If you can kill it on Gleim, you shouldn't have much issues on the real one.



    Appreciate it. How many SIMS per unit one should do you think? What about quizzes? Any idea?

    J King

    I'm going to sing the same chorus here about Gleim, since I recently bought the test bank after I got a 65 on FAR.

    The MCQ have been screwing me from many angles. It has SOO many ways to trick you (dates, reverse calculation, lengthy given details, etc). And that's only for MCQ, haven't tried SIMs yet, which I really should try it asap.

    I do 20 MCQ questions per sesh via study mode, the one that shows immediate answers when you choose an answer. I believe that's where the studying kicks in as opposed to practice exams.

    Very satisfied with Gleim TB so far. I might supplement it for the rest of the parts depending on how I feel after retaking FAR 😛


    I have Gleim now, but have not attempted to study under their new format. So if I'm reading this correctly, the new system will not let you advance, until such time as you show a passing score? There is no override?

    BEC (2/28/16) ----- 78
    FAR (09/10/16)-----



    To find the study sessions from the “study unit list” select a chapter and click continue. Click the “testing” header and scroll to the bottom and click “custom quiz”.

    This is a nice way to toggle back and forth between study sessions and the regular Gleim format.

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