Gleim FAR makes me dejected…. - Page 2

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    I’m only 13 days from my exam yet I still have 5 chapters left: Derivative, Cash flow, Government 1, Government 2, NFP.

    Each chapter takes so long, the adaptive MCQ and sims kills me. Each adaptive test incorporates more quizzes from previous chapters. I’m already behind schedule no matter how hard I try to catch up. Either my efficiency falls behind at specific time point, or a stupid class assignment eats the majority of my day and pushes my CPA study plan back for a day (Arghhhhhh!)

    The Gleim test banks are nice. But they are indeed hard and sometimes the books doesn’t explain well. In some cases, I feel there is inconsistency in what’s explained in the books vs the adaptive quizzes.

    I have set up a deadline for myself to finish 5 chapters in 2 1/2 days (by Sunday 4/9) so that leaves me a week and 1/2 for final review.

    I hope it works out. I hate FAR. Most of the quizzes I deal with are designed to trick you (throw a tidewave of info at you, and asks you to sort it out).

    If there is anyone who is also using Gleim, please tell me how to crack 1 chapter of book+adaptive quiz of that chapter per day. Currently I am finishing the MCQ of Business combination.

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  • #1640755

    I guess I'm just lucky – my exam rehearsal (for REG) I too got a 65, and scored a 64 on the real exam!!! However, with FAR, I scored a 55 (yikes) on the rehearsal but yet scored a 75 on the actual exam. One never knows. For AUD and BEC, I scored about 15 points higher in the real exam than on the Gleim rehearsal.

    I still don't understand what happened when I took REG. But I can tell you this – the 2nd time through it's much less brutal. At least that!


    Used Gleim for REG and after looking at my score by sections I was mostly in the low to upper 60s on my review ended up with an 84 on the actual exam. I agree with Lauren, nothing on the exam surprised me. If I didn't rush I probably would've scored higher as for one SIM I left it blank. Gleim definitely prepares you except you have to stay the course and not get discouraged. Using it for FAR and so far pretty much the same but I just make sure to understand why I got a question wrong and worry less about my score on the review.

    FAR 8/20/15 - Passed 77
    AUD 10/10/15 -


    Passed REG, FAR retake and AUD on my first try with the help of Gleim. Yup can confirm with others, got my ass handed by Gleim test bank. On REG, their test bank was like on steroids. They beefed it so much to the point where I was begging for mercy lol. Even thinking about Gleim REG makes my head hurt.

    Hard to say what happened to you, but my rehearsal score that I took the day before I step in the boxing match against REG was a 72. Passed with an 82. On AUD my rehearsal score and actual score were pretty close. Rehearsal of 83 and actual of 82. I found that working on the sims greatly improve and fill in the holes from the MCQ.

    Broken Toy

    I just used Gleim for FAR and got an 86 on the final review but a 96 on the actual CPA exam. The Gleim review questions are way harder then the ones on the actual CPA exam. I will say the SIMs on the actual exam were way longer then the SIM on Gleim but if you finish and pass all 20 units you should have no problem passing.


    Hey, didn't realize my post got replied recently.

    I have to say all the struggles with Gleim FAR paid off big time. I felt miserable in the actual test. But the result, what a surprise—80.


    I definitely know how all of you feel with gleim. I've passed AUD with a 75 and BEC with an 88 with it but failed FAR with a 74 and all of them my average score on the test bank was in the high 60s. I think for my FAR retake I might see what NINJA can help me out with. Really trying to knock out FAR and REG by July I would love to put this thing to bed once and for all.


    Retaking Far makes me feel dejected. I really do not like dealing with ALL of THAT material. I wish I could just blink my eyes (at least for this one) and get that 75. Maybe we could write a 10 page paper on why I want to pass far…or something other than studying again.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I am using Gleim for FAR. I went through the entire book without getting their approval to move on. I am just focusing on understanding the MCQ and practicing them over and over again. I literally just understand how they do their MCQ and practice them. I don't even bother trying to work them out at first because they are just way too tough for me. I rather see how they work it out and practice it.

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