Final AUD Cram Recommendations

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  • #3339994

    I’m just curious what recommendations you would have to do a final cram session for the final push until my AUD exam on Wednesday. I’m using Gleim + NINJA. I’ve been getting over 70% on the Gleim sims and mcqs. I have been doing a little worse on the NINJA ones.

    – Gibran via Ask Jeff


    I would get your NINJA MCQ trending score up into the mid-80s if at all possible, just to give you some cushion. If you’re trending sub-70 in NINJA, that may be cause for worry. Definitely hammer away at those, doing targeted MCQ via your weakest AICPA blueprint area.

    I would also invest a day watching the NINJA CRAM for AUD.

    NINJA MCQ, Notes, and CRAM for your final review. I would also do 3 Gleim simulations over the areas you’re worried about the most. No more than 3, as time is of the essence as the final days/hours tick down.

    – Jeff

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 76
    REG - 92
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