Best way to use BeckerCPA review

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    hey all, I was hoping you could provide some tips/strategies on the best ways to use the Becker CPA Review material. I just received a failing FAR score and I’m trying to reassess my approach. For 2 or so months, I would allocate 5 days per chapter as follows:
    Day 1 & 2) Watch the Becker CPA video lectures and do the mcqs while taking notes on them
    Day 3 & 4) Rewrite the chapter and do the mcqs again, without taking notes
    Day 5) SIMS – try to do them and then take notes on the solution

    Since I failed, something needs to change. Any tips/critique appreciated!

    FAR 55, 76!

    REG 68, 85!

    AUD 74, 77!

    BEC 86!

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    That sounds like a good approach. But most people skip the lectures and focus on mcq's for a retake. What did you do the first time around? I'm on round two and I had to start from scratch because I tried to shortcut the first time around.


    I did the above approach but I don't think it was effective. Trying to gather strategies of others to modify my approach. I plan on retaking it in 2 months so trying to be as efficient as possible. I don't think I will rewatch the lectures. I think the key is to just write, rewrite, and write the notes again and again.

    Anyone please share some insight!

    FAR 55, 76!

    REG 68, 85!

    AUD 74, 77!

    BEC 86!


    I have only taken one section (AUD) but this strategy worked well for me (got a 99):

    I would go through the section of the book watching the videos and taking notes in my own words. In the beginning I would also write the notes in the book like they had them but ended up finding it was a HUGE waste of time. I would then go through the problems one time for each module. If it was something I wasn't comfortable with I would do it almost immediately after so I could help to cement the topics. If it was something I was comfortable with I would do it a little later to ensure I actually understood the topic rather than just recalling from the lecture that I just watched.

    Once I made it through the book doing this I would do massive amount of MCQs (with the progress test feature). My goal was 200-300 a day for days I planned on studying (I made the PT cover each section and the number of questions to be the amount you will see in each testlet for the test). I made an excel worksheet to track my progress and hone in on where my weaknesses were. Then review topics that were clearly not my strong points. The key to this MCQ review was being able to explain to myself why something was correct or incorrect and not just memorization of answers. If you can talk yourself through why something is the way it is, that to me shows I truly understand the concept.

    Another key to my success was doing all of the sims multiple times. I know a lot of people say they are a waste of time as you never know what you are going to get but my thinking is:

    1) what if i get something similar? seems like it should be easy points
    2) these are arguably the hardest problems on the exam, I should be familiar with the interface/how they are going to be worded

    I only used the skill practice for topics I was really having trouble understanding. Other than that I found them to be a wast of time. Hope this helps!

    AUD - 99

    BEC - 6/8/18

    FAR - 5/12/18

    REG - 86


    What was your score and how many hours/ MCQs in total?

    Memento Mori - Kingston NY CPA & EA (SUNY Albany 2002)

    FAR-93 11/9/17 (10wks, 250 hrs, Roger 1800+ MCQs, Gleim TB 600+MCQs, SIMs)
    AUD-88 12/7/17 (3 wks, 85 hrs, Roger 1000 MCQs no SIMs hail mary)
    REG-96 1/18/18 (6 wks, 110 hrs, 1400 MCQs, no SIMs)
    BEC-91 2/16/18 (4wks, 90 hrs, 1240 MCQs)


    I don't use becker but I'm a big believer in reading the book or watching the lecture (whichever way you learn better) for topics you don't understand well. Hammering MCQ's is just not the way to get a functional understanding of a topic. Definitely focus hard on your weak areas and less on your strong areas. You should not have any topic you're not confident with when you walk into the exam.

    FAR - 97 (10/12/17)
    BEC - 95 (01/15/18)
    AUD - 88 (04/06/18)
    REG - 89 (11/16/18)

    The first time around here was my approach:
    Listen to the lecture
    Do MCQ
    Re-read the book/take notes
    Re-do MCQ
    Do Skills Practice
    Do related SIMS, move onto the next module.

    For the re-take, here is what I have done, testing on 2/12:
    Jump into Ninja MCQ-do all new questions until I have no more new questions
    Go back through my notes, re-write them into a new notebook and go through the Becker book to see what else I might have missed
    Watch any lectures I was super shaky on and/or the modules that changed (revenue recognition, financial instruments, NFP and pensions)
    Go back to Ninja to do all questions missed
    Do random sets of MCQ in Becker to identify additional weaknesses
    Go to Becker to re-do all of the SIMS that are relevant according to the blueprint (Check out “Potential FAR SIMS straight from AICPA thread on this forum)
    Now I am doing the following:
    Do Becker progress tests on each chapter to identify weak areas
    Do Becker Skills Practices-for Revenue Recognition, Leases, Bonds, etc.-other areas that have JEs
    Go back through other SIMS and write down journal entries-any and all I can think about.



    I look forward to seeing your passing FAR score!

    I passed REG (my last section) with an 86 and my focus was on individual tax and entity taxation. I read the business law chapters and did MCQ on them but it was like 25% of my focus. I took this study approach based what I saw in the REG blueprints. So, I'm confident that you will do well on FAR based on what you said you are doing above.

    BEC = 79

    AUD = 79

    FAR = 84

    REG = 86

    Prayer + AICPA blueprints = my success

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    @Lentilcounter-I really hope you are right! Trying to take a step back these past few days and really button down areas I know might be iffy.


    I found the practice tests to be very effective at helping me focus on my weak areas. I made a spreadsheet to help me track how i was doing with a running average that changed colors once my trending average was 75 or higher in a chapter.

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16


    IGNORE SIMS don't waste your time until final review if needed. the sims are nothing like the exam.

    Listen to lectures and make note cards along the way, answer questions. after chapter do progress exam on chapters you have completed.

    You need a week or 2 of final review thats the most important. each day do what ever amount of questions the exam you are taking and DURING THE TIME your exam will be, this is to train your mind to be alert then. after that write down what you got wrong.

    Then after the test go over flash cards. and if you want do sims or another test. I never did sims because you can look up answers in AL on the exam.

    Its easy to get lost in the program. Its important to disengage from the program. this is why making flash cards is important.


    ^^^I agree that SIMS should be left for after you have gone through all the material, but I strongly disagree that they are a waste of time. Yes, they are nothing like the real test, but they do test your knowledge of concepts in a different way. @DarkLordJonny-what do you mean you can look up answers in AL on the exam? on FAR?



    The authoritative literature is available for ALL sims, research and not.

    It can be time consuming but very helpful in securing an answer to research a sim topic.

    I have heard of people getting obscure sims and they even found the JE to complete the sim in the AL.

    It can be done but I would not go in banking on the AL. You can get too wrapped up in it and then not have enough time to complete.

    BEC - Passed September 2016

    AUD - Passed December 2016

    REG - Passed May 2017

    FAR - Passed March 2018


    @MeanJoe-I know there is access for AL for all sections, but like you said, it would be too time consuming to try to find an answer to a SIM…I actually did look something up for REG in AL during my test, only because I was second guessing myself.

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